Chapter N.138-Embodiment Of Goodness

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"Roma and Benjamin happen to marry, grow and be happy."

"Or at least faked to be happy."

"Roma notices a piece of paper onto her kitchen table:"

"Miss Ancelle! I wanted to thank you for the italian lessons you gave me! The money is on the table, next to the packed kitchen set."

Rom="Signed by Danz Intercourt."

Rom="So the money is next to the knife set..."

Rom="Such a good kid, he didn't forget to pay me!"

"Roma grabs the money, looking sad at the kitchen set's box."

Rom="A kitchen set as a birthday gift, very nice..."

"The worried woman glances at her degree in literature, hanging on the wall."

Rom="Maybe I should've actually used you instead of...This."

"She takes a cloth, rubbing the sink with it."

Rom="I miss the times he used to dance with me and spinned me around."

Rom="I guess I got old."

"She leans onto the sink, losing time on her phone."

Rom="I miss him... Damn."

"The Bloody Bride calls him."

"Benjamin answers the phone, with the happiest of the voices."

Rom=Hey, love?

Ben=Roma! How's going?

Rom=I was bored and I called you, nothing more. Are you doing something fun? You seem pretty excited.

Ben=Well, I just ate a huge bucket of fried chicken, incredible experience.

Rom=Uh, I guess Australia is nice...

Ben=It is.

Rom=And what about work? Did you have that meeting?

Ben=I'm gonna have it in a week, bae.

Rom=Then why did you go this early?


Ben=And never question my desicions,I already told you.

Rom=I'm sorry.

Ben=Remember who works, who earns money and who brings food home.

Rom=I already said I'm sorry, stop that!

Ben=... Such an ungrateful wife.

"Benjamin hangs up."


"She thinks while cleaning the sink with a sponge."


"She throws the sponge into the water."

Rom="Then clean your house by yourself."

Rom="He's true, though. I can't live with just this money."

Rom="I'd have to find a serious job but..."

Rom="Or... I just have to submit."

"She grabs a photo of their wedding."

Rom="He is the man I love, in the end..."

"That picture reminds her of the cursed dress."

Rom="I was so happy... Why do I feel like this, right now?"

Rom="... What's going through my mind is a mystery, even to me."

Rom="I could try the bride dress again. Ben's gonna love a quick pic!~"

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