Chapter N.126-Blossom

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"The old Chēn sat down at his favourite seat. Waiting for his drink, he notices an elegant lady in her 50s sitting next to him."

"The woman is wearing purple, in a shy, cute coat."

"She salutes the barman and Chēn himself."

???=Good evening! Mr. !


Che=It's not that good of an evening.

???=Why? What's wrong?

Che=I can't tell my problems to a woman I just met seconds ago. I don't even know your name.

???=My name is Zyopas.

Che=You must be a foreigner. You don't look japanese, and your name clearly isn't.

Zyo=Yeah, I'm not from Japan. I moved here since it looked so amazing.

Che=Good for you.

"The barman slides Chēn a bottle of whisky."

Che=Thank you, good man.

"He pays for it, adding some other yens."

Che=And add a can of beer for this lady.

Zyo=T-Thank you-

Zyo=What's your name?

Che=Ikarishi Chēn.

Zyo=Well, thank you, Chēn!

Zyo="A can of beer? Does he even know how to treat ladies?"

"Zyopas grabs the can of beer, freshly opened by the barman."

Zyo=I don't think chugging an entire bottle of whisky is healthy, Chēn.

Che="Why did I even start talking to her in the first place?"

Zyo=You seem pretty comfortable too. It looks like it's not your first time chugging alchohol.

Che=Because it isn't. This is what I am, a drunk piece of shit.

Zyo=About that. Instead of drinking, why don't you come with me?

Zyo=I wanted to see the cherry blossoms... But since it's night, I was a bit scared of the dark.

Zyo="That's not true at all, I'm just luring him!~"

Che=... Don't you have a husband or something like that?


Che=Ok, then.

Che=Let's go.

"He lets go his bottle, leaving it onto the counter. The barman proceeds to make it disappear."

"Opening the door, a cold, but gentle wind caresses them."

Che=It's cold outside, that thing you're wearing is too thin.

Zyo=Im not cold, don't worry about it.

Che=I won't give you my jacket, hope you know that.


"Zyopas smiles, seeing through his actions."

"The two of them step out of the bar, and Chēn directs his eyes to her."

Che=So, what did you want to do?

Zyo=I'd love to see the cherry blossom trees.

Che=Did you ever see them before?

Zyo=I see them every year, it's almost an rite, to me.

Che=I understand.

Zyo=Do you like them?

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