Chapter N.69-A Bitter Return

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"Kurio doesn't cry, even though his heart wants too."

Kur=You left us. You just got the situation worse, after Dad's death.

Sat=Oh, I'm sorry I had some self-respect! Do you even know what I'm feeling right now, Kurio?!


Sat=By the way... Is this what The Knights taught you? What your mother taught you? A robbery... An ARMED robbery...

"Satin puts Kurio down, facing the roof, to repeatedly slap him."

"Everyone watches this kid getting slapped, with horror."

Sat=Get the fuck up, you come with me.

"Kurio's mouth is sealed shut. As his tusk-like earring and his short curly air fly with the gentle wind, they pass the policemen."


"They don't say a word, until they get back onto Satin's car."

Kur=R-Roma? Hey, it's me! Kurio!

"The Bloody Bride gets out of the car."

"She just hugs Kurio."

Rom=You really are Kurio, I can feel it... How did you turn human?

Kur=Mom let me have an expensive spell from a mage. Now I can turn myself into a human, or my original form, at will.

Rom=I understand... And...

"Roma is having a better look at Kurio."

Rom=You changed so much. I hope you've been well.


Kur=And... Who is that ghost girl in our car?

Rom=That's Satin's girlfriend! She's Amii, try and talk to her!

"Amii gets the car window down, to talk to The Mindless Beast."



Ami=You're Kurio? Satin told me a lot about you... He told me you are a good kid... So, Please, don't hold this whole thing against Satin. He really loves you... And-Oh my... I'm talking too much!

"Amii hides her face behind her hands."

Kur=Don't worry about it.


"Kurio turns towards Satin."

Kur=Yo, can we get home?

Sat=Get home? We're reuniting The Knights.

Kur=... Whatever...

Sat="So edgy..."

Sat=Ok, then,get on the car, we are all going home... My house.

"They get onto the car, Kurio is in the backseats with Roma."

"The Bloody Bride is resting her head on Kurio's shoulder."

Rom=We missed you so much.

"The Mindless Beast is blushing."

Kur=...Thank you.

Rom=Oh, by the way, do you have a girlfriend?

Kur=Of course not. How stupid could a person be, to want me?

Rom=I bet this person is just waiting around the corner!

Kur=That would be hilarious.

"...But Kurio's phone rings. He takes an expensive phone out of his pocket."

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