Chapter N.128-Emerald Eyes

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"Back to the other Knights..."

"Kurio stands up from his seat."

Kur=I feel like it's my turn.

Jan=K-Kurio what do you mean?

"He runs to Roma, grabbing her hand."

Kur=Roma... I'm scared.

Kur=I'm not ready for this.

Rom=... It was my fault getting you involved into this. You are too young.

Rom=But trust me, without you, this wouldn't have been the same.

Rom=You reached the top, why are you afraid?


"Roma hugs him, holding his head with her gentle hand."

Rom=You know we'll make it.


Kur=Thanks for everything, Roma. And all of you guys.

Kur=You are my family.

"But Jane stops him before the door."

Jan=Don't forget about me.

Kur=When this is over...

"Kurio starts whispering."

Kur=Would you like to go on a date with me?

Jan=But you have to come back first. Then I'll decide.


"The Gate of Strenght opens before them. Its symbol seem to represent claws markings."

"And Oarse of Strenght was right behind it, to escort Kurio."

Oar=Thank you so much for your help, Roma and Bezra!

Oar=I'll take him with me, if you don't mind!

Bez=Be careful with him.

Oar=I won't make the same mistake twice.

"Kurio follows The Blazing Beast, who is bringing him to The Room of Strenght."

"It's a rocky place where flames ride pebbles and roads."

Oar=I'm gonna have to reveal myself now. I hope you remember my face, at least.

"Transforming into her human form, Oarse is a dark-skinned, beautiful woman, with an accentuate muscular body and a long brown braid. Flame tattoos cover her arms, and a golden headpiece crowns her forehead...
Her eyes are emerald green."


"Kurio precipitates inside her arms."


Oar=So you didn't totally forget about me...

"Oarse is sniffing."

Oar=Do you have a tissue, baby?

Oar=You've grown so much...

Oar=And when I saw your first kiss... I cried twice as much!

Kur=You saw me kissing Jane?!

Oar=It was amazing... Yet so painful.

Oar=I couldn't hug you, nor tell you how much I was proud of you.

Oar=You did so much to get here, but I have a question.

Oar=Do you still want to fight... Him?

Kur=... I'm really scared about it. But I have to. We're too deep into this to give up now!

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