Chapter N.58-The Ruler's Burden

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"Arboreale was a young spirit of the forest, more than 200 years ago, when he was reborn in The Leemboah. This is the story that tells what created his dreams."

"The spirit of the forest is a kid from a humble family, with a loving mother and a hard-working father, the few people he has in his life. They adopted him because of Leemboah's old rules."

"He got adopted by these humans,who loved him, even when their blood wasn't the same."

"Arboreale is entering school, with her mother holding him tight. She cares about him."

Mom=Arboreale, there are some stairs ahead, get ready,I'm gonna leave you.

Arb=I will, mother!

"Every other kid passying by, is weirded out by this child. His mother just ignores them, pissed off."

Mom=Move! You're wasting my time! You still can't climb these stairs by yourself!

Arb=I'm... Sorry!

"Arboreale trips on his own feet, hitting his elbow."

"A brief moan of pain is heard, but nothing more."

Arb=I hurt myself, mother!

Mom=I'm going to hurt you even more if you don't get into class!

Mom=You arrived, the class is to your right. Go there by yourself.

Arb=I... Don't think I can...

"The mother, in a burst of rage, kicks Arboreale in the back, smashing him onto the door."

"... She leaves, without any other sound, if it wasn't for her home-made shoes."

Mom="I can't wait for his 18th birthday, so I can kick him out of my house."

Arb=...G-Goodbye, mother!

"In his class, Arboreale wasn't alone. The other kids had to help him, he was blind. Did they do that because they cared about him, or just because they felt forced to?"

"No one wanted to befriend the blind kid."

"After those hours of nothingness, Arboreale comes back home, to stay inside...praying, like every other day. His father wanted him to become a priest."

"... But that day was different."

"Black figures with white masks are inside his house. These masks resemble... Birds."

"Two of the royal guards, blocking the kid from entering his house."

Arb=What happened?! Let me in!

Gua=Your parents got the plague. We will give you to another family.


Arb=To... Another family?

"He didn't know what to feel at the time... He was alone, young and weak.
But now, The King knows what to feel."


"He grew with the ideals to create a better world, to eliminate The Plague.
He didn't want someone to else to die because of that. He thought about the bonds of a family that he never had, until now,with his group."

"...Back to the present, he puts on his own crown, before Yulla."

Arb=Order the guard to get ready for an attack.

Yul=Yes sir.

"As the Fire Witch runs, our attention is directed towards The Black Feather Knights."

Haz=...I have a horrible feeling about this...

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