Chapter N.49-Bonetrouble

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"Maria,the siren who called Chēn,is still smiling."


Mar=You could at least tell me your name!

Che=The name's Chēn. Why did you call me?

Mar=... You caught my attention. You act so rude,but... I can see your heart is kind.

Che=... I'm not here to waste time. How could I find out how I died?

Mar=You are a rebel? You are willing to against God?

Che=I'm not scared.

Mar=I see. You're the brave guy,uh?

Che=Stop wasting my time. ...Tell me how I could I know how I died...

Mar=... No one knows... But don't give up,if that's what you want.

Che=Of course I won't give up...

Che=... Why did you call me?

Mar=... I noticed your weapon.

Che=I had this sickle in my hands since I was reborn as a skeleton. What's wrong with it?

Mar=Oh? It's an Outworldly Relic! An object coming from The Living World!

Mar=They say only special monsters are reborn with those...

Mar=Sorry! I'm changing arguement!

Mar=... I noticed your weapon because it's... Getting rusty... And there's blood on it.

Che=Let's just get to the point!

Mar=... You're so rude! Stop acting like this! You ain't going anywhere with that attitude!


"Chēn turns around and starts stepping somewhere else."

Mar=Wait! Chēn! I have an offering! You could update your weapon!


Mar=My... Boyfriend needs money,he's a great blacksmith and... I help him,seeking for customers...

Che=I like that. Bring me to this-

"Other steps are heard in the sand. A young man is coming towards Chēn."

???=Maria,who's this old man?

Mar=Your new customer,he's called Chēn!

Che=... Exactly.

???=... My... Name is Smith. Smith Faber.

Che=You're very young... Are you sure to be a good blacksmith?

Smi=I can show you. But first... Show me your weapon,Mr. Chēn.

"Chēn hands him the weapon,Smith seems suspicious."

Smi=Blood... Rust... You're a warrior,aren't you?

Che=I just kill when I have to.

Smi=I understand.

"This lich is wearing a classic blacksmith outfit,he has blue horns coming out of his head and his chin,deep black eyes and a firm hand."

"Smith briefly smiles at Maria,before leaving,headed to his workplace."

Che=What are you going to do with my weapon?

Smi=I never worked with an Outwordly Relic before,but I'll do
what I can! I'll make it harder,sharper and more comfortable to handle,because right now,it's just a blade attached to a stick,I don't even know how it managed to last this much without falling apart.

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