Chapter N.46-A Date To Kill For

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"FeroFero was sent by Arboreale to kill Bezra."

"The Purple Piper is stalking Bezra through the window."

"... He sticks some post-it on the window."

"Don't scream." "Just let me in."

"Bezra is shaking, trying to hold her bathrobes together, to cover herself."

Bez="I'm gonna listen to him... He looks dangerous..."

"... After a long breath, Bezra finds the courage to open the window, ready for everything."

"FeroFero climbs through the window, falling onto the wet floor."


"Bezra is weirded out, but steady, with her long nails ready to carve into his flesh."

"The Purple Piper gets up, smiling, with a boquet of roses in his hands."

"He's wearing casual clothes, a sweatshirt, some sneakers and some jeans."

Fer=Good evening, Bezra.~



Bez=What should I-

Fer=Just reply with "Good evening to you, FeroFero!", and with a nice intonation too, come on now,say it.

Bez=... Good evening to you, FeroFero!

Fer=Mh... That was off, try it again.

Bez="What the fuck is wrong with this guy?"

Bez=Shouldn't you... Try to kill me... Or something like that?

Fer=... I should kill you. Because I admire Arboreale.

Fer=But I want you. I'm gonna earn you.

Bez=Earn me? Sorry, I'm not a trophy.


"The Purple Piper punches Bezra on her cheek."

"The Darkness' Child falls onto the floor."

Bez=What the fuck do you want?!

"The little vampire sheds tears down her cheeks, desperate."

Fer=I want to go on a date with you. I think you're really cute.

Bez=...Then why did you hit me?

Fer=... Don't question it. I just think you deserve it.

"Bezra gulps in terror, it feels like her throat is gonna burst out of her neck."

Bez=Y-You'll have your date... Just let me get dressed up. I think I left my clothes in the other room and-

Fer=Use the clothes on the washing machine.

Bez="The clothes I borrowed from Roma! Now I can't take my phone in the living room!"

Bez=... At least, can I dress in another room?

Fer=Of course not, my cute little Bezra!

"Bezra clenches her fists and teeth, while looking at the floor."

Bez=I... Ha-

Fer=Ah-ah-ah?~ What did I hear?

Bez=I... I...

Bez=... Love you.

Fer=You are so good at this.

Fer=Now get ready, we'll have our date in the living room.

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