Chapter N.116-Obsession

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"Hazematt is rolled up in blankets, sitting on a couch, Seksenia is there too."

Haz=And basically, they got drunk and picked on me...


Haz=Seksenia, there's no need to be so sad, I will get over this.

Sek=Do you get what it feels like?

Sek=The person I'm supposed to protect... Assaulted before my eyes.

Haz=...I'm sorry for being so weak. If I actually was strong like Mueran says, this wouldn't have happened.

Sek=Don't listen to her! We already talked about this with Liliath!

Sek=I'm the one who is sorry. I wasn't able to protect you.


Sek=No buts. Since today, you'll always stick next to me, everywhere I go. And if you wanna go somewhere, you have to tell me, and I will stay with you.

Haz=S-Seksenia? That's a bit of an exaggeration...

Sek=An exaggeration? If you always stay with me you're not gonna get hurt again!

Haz=I don't think that's how it works.

Sek=Really? Tell me how to solve the situation, then.

Haz=You should just chill. I can recover from this, you shouldn't be this oppressive.

Sek=... If I'm doing this, it's because I care about you and your safety.

Haz=I can't deny it, but that's just the wrong way to help me!

Sek=You're getting on my nerves. You should be grateful.

Haz=I am grateful, and I really appreciate that you're here with me, but-

Sek=Ok, I get it. We're in this situation because of that dumb, hopeless thing of discovering how you six died.

Haz=That's not dumb! Us Black Feather Knights live with that objective in mind!

Haz=I won't let you insult my group!

Sek=Say goodbye to them. This whole thing is too dangerous for you.

Sek=Take out your phone.

Haz=Huh? Why?

Sek=To text them that you're leaving the group.

Haz=Seksenia? You're kidding, right?

Sek=Nope. Choose. Stay with me or with The Knights.

Haz=In this case... I prefer The Knights.



Sek=Text them about your retirement.


Sek=Well, if you don't do that, I will!

"Seksenia is taking Hazematt's phone with force, the two of them are tightening their graps."

Sek=Fucking leave it!

"Seksenia slaps Hazematt."


"The king grabs the phone, and he just looks at her, shocked."

Haz=I never thought you would've gone this far.

"Hazematt, crying, stands up and runs in his room, locking the door."

"Seksenia follows, smashing the door, with her fists."



"He tries to hold the door from the inside, in each punch, Hazematt feels the devil's frustration."

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