Chapter N.13-Captivity

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"Kurio, this new undead, joined the group. Roma and Satin firmly think his strenght will help them."

"The new member, told them that the Ghost Child was being kept somewhere under his school."

Rom=Great, we'll enter that place.

Kur=Miss Roma! Down there... People are armed to the teeth! What if someone gets hurt?

Rom=We chose to follow this path. We shouldn't care if we get hurt or even worse...

"Kurio nods to her."

Kur=I understand. Now follow me, I'll bring you to my school.

"They are directed there,to Kurio's school, ready to break into it."

Kur=We're almost there...

Gab=... I sense danger down there, but I have a plan to attack it.

Bez=Oh, oh!~ I'm curious!

"Gabriél takes a map out of his jacket."

Kur=A drawing of my school? Have you been here before?

Gab=... Let me start explaining the plan. First, we break in using Kurio to destroy any kind of door they are using.

Sat=... Hey, I am half a ghost, I could just phase and open the door from the insi-

Gab=Too risky.

"Satin is visibly pissed off by Gabriél's attitude, but chooses to remain silent."

Gab=I was saying... We break in, and then we'll split up. Kurio and I will get The Ghost Child, Roma will take another path, alone. Bezra and Satin... You'll be alone too, protecting us from the outside.

"Satin's mouth stays shut."

Gab=No one is bothered by my plan? Great.

Kur=Mr. Gabriél... Should we kill someone down there?

Gab=If someone stands in our way... Of course.

Kur=Ok, then...

"Roma looks upset."

Rom=Gabriél, he's just a child. And he killed 3 people just now, let me go with him and-

Gab=Trust me, Roma, my plan is great.

Rom=... I trust you. Don't break my trust.

Gab=I won't.

Gab=Now, let's go. Let's get in.

"They are all peeking from a different building."

Gab=There are no guards outside of the school.

Sat=Maybe they use the school to mask the things that happen down there."

Bez=Those bastards!

Rom=Chill, Bezra, we still don't know what really happens down there.

"... Roma gazes at the school, they are ready to break in."

"... Meanwhile, In Phoonaf's Village, Detective Denver and General Roland met again to talk."

Rol=This small house I bought is very cute, isn't it?

"Denver fratnically walks around the room, non-stop."

Rol=Hey, dude, something's wrong? I could lend you a cigarette, if you want to.

Den=You don't even smoke, why do you have cigarettes with you?

Rol=I bought them for you!

Den=... Thank you, then.

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