Chapter N.123-The Tiny King

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"9 months later, Podewa was holding Hazematt in her arms for the first time. She kept looking into his eyes for the whole time, without saying a word."

Pod="He is... So cute."

"She never felt something like this."

Pod="I'm too curious, I can't resist."

"Podewa's will crumbled against Hazematt. She peeked the timeline just for a second, predicting something she would've never wanted to see."

"She starts shaking, holding the baby. Hazematt's tiny hands grip onto her."

Pod=No... I don't want to-

"She cries, holding her little brother to her chest."

Pod="Don't leave me!"

"Hearing her cry, the worried parents get to her."

"Lynn grabs the baby, while Adriano comforts her."

Adr=Little one! What's wrong?

"But she couldn't say a thing about it."

"The eternal silence. The infamous secret she keeps to herself, to suffer in silence everyday."

"And since that damned day, she swore to herself to make her little brother happy."

"She wanted every second of his short life to be enjoyable."

"...8 years later, Hazematt grew up to become a cute little boy, with plump cheeks, both black hair and eyes,just like his parents."

"Podewa took the form of a woman, in the meanwhile."

"In a normal day of school, Hazematt just woke up."

"He rubs his eyes in the bed, looking outside his window."

"Hearing his little steps coming downstairs, Podewa smiles."


Haz=Good morning!

"She lifts him, so they can cutely rub their noses together."

Pod=Dad made you some scrambled eggs before he got to work, they're on the table.

Haz=Mh mh!~

"She pets Hazematt, passing her fingers through his thick hair. His soft, black foliage."

Pod=I have to go now. Big sis is going to college, ok?


Pod=Are you sure you don't want me to hold your hand to the bus?

Haz=No! Not anymore! I'm big now, I can get on the bus by myself!

Pod=Really? Let me see if so!

Pod=I'm gonna go. Mom is on the couch, if you need her!

Pod=Remember what you told me.

Haz=Getting on the bus without you, got it!


Pod='Bye, little one!

Haz='Bye 'Bye!

"After Podewa closes the door, Hazematt goes to his plate."

"Something is missing from it..."

"The tiny king drags a chair to a high closet."

"He climbs onto it, to grab some orange juice."

"His hair dances while getting off the chair, he smiles, proud of himself."

"After he dragged the chair back in its place, he opens the orange juice box, putting all of his strenght in it."

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