Chapter N.67-Connecting The Pieces

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"Satin and Amii were driving, until they arrive at The Faded Arrow."

Sat=Shit! That's her!

"Roma is wearing her old red dress, outside of The Faded Arrow."

"The White Robes quickly park the car, every bone in their body is tingling."

"...He's trembling,opening the door."

"Roma is just smiling, standing at the door of the restaurant."

"Satin sprints to her friend. Hugging her, he can't restrain himself from crying, Roma holds his head, smiling on her shoulder."

Sat=I-I'm so sorry, I'm so fucking sorry... I never wanted this to happen and-

Rom=Hush... There's no need to say sorry.

Sat=Did you miss me?

Rom=I missed you with every cell of my body.

"Satin stops the hug, to take a better look at Roma."

Sat=Did you get shorter?

Rom=It's you who grew taller, silly! Now you're taller than me!

"Satin puts on his mask, to hide his embarassement."

"Amii followed Satin, she witnessed the whole scene."

Rom=Oh my- Satin, is that your girlfriend?


"Roma whispers to Satin:"

Rom=You were right. She's very cute.

"The Light Wisp greets Roma, kissing both of her cheeks."

Ami=Nice to meet you! My name is Amii!

Rom=Your smile is so cute, Amii!

Ami=R-Really? So is yours...

Rom="I totally feel a piece of Bael in her."

Ami="it's incredible, just from her presence, I understand she influenced Satin..."

Rom=I wanted to ask you...Did you know Bael?

Ami=Yeah, he teached me lots of things when he was alive... After The Bear killed him, there was a time where no one controlled The Self-Graveyard.


Sat=Ehm... Girls, could we get in? It's kinda cold outside and I'm hungry.


"As soon as they enter the restaurant, Satin goes to the counter, to order some food. The girls are sitting at a table for three."

Ami=R-Roma... I have got to be honest with you...

Rom=Sure,tell me!

Ami=I'm kinda jealous about Satin. I fear you could take him away from me...

"Roma just smiles."

Rom=Don't worry about that. He is my best friend and none of us desires the other. And... Personally speaking, I don't need a relationship right now.

Ami=So... You two never had sex? Never kissed?

Rom=W-What?! Of course not! When we knew each other for the first time, he was a minor too!

Ami=I'm sorry Roma. I just wanted to make my mind clearer, and lift this weight from my heart.

Ami=I remember there was another girl in The Knights' group... Her name was Bezra, right?

"Roma's heart skips a bit, she knows what Bezra and Satin did..."

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