Chapter N.40-Spark On Dead Wheat

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"Joyful, The Blooming Ruler, Arboreale, steps towards his throne."

Arb=... I almost can't contain my excitement...

Arb=Elite! Gather around here!

"Chiff, The Yellow Jester.
FeroFero, The Purple Piper.
Marlow, The Keeper of The City Keys.
Lynn, The Black Queen."

Arb=... Just one is missing. And today she shall get freedom once again!

Arb=... Yulla, The Fire Witch!

Lyn=... About that. I'm deeply sorry, King Arboreale. I trapped her in another realm with a curse, to defend my family.

Arb=You know I forgave you... And that's why you're here. You will call her back!

Arb=But first, let's make The Leemboah great again.

Arb=... FeroFero, you now can manage laws regarding pollution and crimes. The Pollution caused many to catch Hazematt's mortal diseases. Now go, I know you'll do great.

Fer=You bet, my king.

Arb=Marlow, your help was crucial for the registration of The Video. Luckily, you were here at the capital. I thank you for that.

Mar=I could've done better.

Arb=... I don't think so...

Arb=...By the way, you're now my royal guard.

Arb=... Chiff, you now have The Army.

Chi=That's awesome! Choof! Choof!

Arb=I see you're excited about it, am I right?

Chi=... YEAH!

Arb=And you, Lynn... Do whatever you want, just don't get against me.

Lyn=Indeed, even after the ritual is completed, I will follow you. I believe your ideals are right.

Arb=An unexpected outcome...

Arb=... Excellent.

Arb=The Ritual shall begin in 2 hours, get all of your tasks done, by that time.

"As everyone leaves, Arboreale tries to stand up by himself."

Arb=Lynn. I know you're still there.


"The Black Queen is now helping Arboreale to get up."

Lyn=Do you need to go somewhere in particular?

Arb=Not exactly... Tell me,Lynn.

Arb=What colour is this castle?

Lyn=It's black, with very dark red accents.

Arb=Could you... Describe me those colours?

Lyn=Ehm... Black is a colour of nothingness, elegance, of unknown.
And that very dark red is... Intimidating, almost looking like an hitman.

Arb=I don't quite like them. I think more joyful colours could represent what The Leemboah is going to be like.


"After that, two hours pass like nothing. The Ritual is being set."

"Lots of Soldiers are lined up to a long red carpet, that enters the castle."

"Trumpets, drums and musical instruments of any sort are set, at the right side of the Carpet. FeroFero is there, with his flute spinning between his fingers.

"Chiff and Marlow set a huge quantity of coal powder on the ground, at the end of the carpet. Gasoline's odor floats in the air."

"The Black Queen is waiting in The Castle, with a pack of matches."

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