Chapter N.122-The Six Gates

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"Following The Two Stars, The Knights got to six golden gates.

Ben=These are the Six Gates. There's a different symbol onto each, to represent the owner's Blessing or Curse.

Mal=Once you enter your room, we'll be able to reveal you everything.

Ben=After that, you'll get into the room which connects every gate.

Mal=And finally... You'll meet The Father.

Ben=Good luck, Knights.

"They get into their respective gates without any other word."


Jan=Does that mean we can't get in there with you?

Rom=Probably not.

Ami=We'll just wait for you!

"Klinking noises. A golden gate opened."

"The Symbol starts glowing onto it. It's a spiked circle."

Haz=Guys, I think that's mine.

Bez=How would you know that?

Haz=I feel... Attracted to it. It's weird.

"Seksenia grabs Hazematt's hand."

Sek=You're coming back.

Haz=Of course I am!

Sek=That wasn't a question. It was an order.


"Seksenia tightens her grip on Hazematt's tiny hands."

Haz=Hey... You're hurting me...

Sek="But I can't let him go..."

"Seksenia keeps losing herself in his eyes."

Sek="I'm wrong. I have to let him go."

"She leaves his hand."

Sek=Tell me about your past once you're be back, I'm curious about it!~

Haz=I will.

"Hazematt hugs her tight."

Haz=I love you more than anything else.~

"Seksenia keeps her tears to herself, wrapping her arms around Hazematt's head."

Sek=I love you too.


Sek=You've got to go, now.

Sek='Bye 'bye, baby!~

Haz=Goodbye, Seksie. Goodbye, guys! I love you all!

"The Gate closes behind The King."

"Walking forward, in a sea of clouds,he sees something ahead."

"An old clock."

"He hears a feminine voice ahead."

Pod=Hazematt! I'm here!

"He keeps on walking until..."

"The floor, the ceiling and the walls are made of clocks, in this fantastic room."

"Podewa is standing at the center of it, with a huge smile."

Pod=Do I have to restrain myself or...

Haz=I have a girlfriend... That wouldn't be nice of yours. You shouldn't try to hit on me since-

Pod=Hitting on you?

Pod=You're so silly. I'm so happy you managed to get such a wonderful woman to fall in love with you!

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