Chapter N.89-Sprout of Goodness

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"They all got onto The House, exception made for Leraje, who prefered to stay out of this."

"They managed to get Smith's phone number, through Pneuma's phone."

"Smith is running through the island, still trying to find his daughter."

"The desperation is tangible."

Smi="I didn't sleep tonight. I searched this island from top to bottom trying to find her.


"... His phone rings, and for once, he is happy to respond."

Smi=Hello, Pneuma! Did you find her?

Rom=It's me. Roma of The Knights.

Rom=I'm with Asphyxia and your daughter.

Smi=Where's Pneuma?!

Rom=He got killed by Asphyxia, as he was threatening the life of other Knights. Forgive her violent act.

Smi=Meet me at the beach of Liwake. I'll be there in 2 hours.


"Smith hangs up. He will meet them in person. The Reluctant Lich feels a chunk of darkness devouring his body."

"...Meanwhile, at The House..."

Haz=I would've called my army, by now, but Ranco is too distant from The Capital! They'd never arrive in time!

Haz=Chēn, what should we do against him? Don't you know him?

Che=... None of you should fight him.

Rom=What? Why?

Che=His movements, his speed, his skill with weapons... You'd never make it out of a fight with Faber.

Sat=He can't fight 10 people at once though!


Che=I wouldn't be so sure about it.

Che=That guy... Is a lich born without magical powers. An unusual thing for an undead of his race.

Jan=Is that why I have water manipulation?

Che=Of course. Your father should've had magical powers, being a lich,and your mother was a siren, and affiliated with water.

Jan=It makes sense...

Jan=... With my ability, I want to show him my valor!

Rom=Your valor? You don't have to show him a thing.

Jan=But he needs to understand how much I'm worth! I want him to understand I can live without him!

Rom=Maybe he already knows that... But I think he is the one who can't live without you.

Rom=Imagine how it feels for him. After he lost his job,friends, reputation and wife.

Rom=And now he is scared. He is scared to lose you.

Jan=Miss. Roma? Are you trying to make me leave the group?

Rom=Of course not. But I can't keep myself from using reason. I'm just trying to make you think about this whole situation.


Rom=... Do you really want to come with us? If you choose so,someone else will probably get killed.

Jan=W-Wait a second...

Asp=Exactly. If it was't for your stupid choice to stay with The Knights, my men would still be alive! You...

Rom=Stop it, Asphyxia. She is just a kid.

Asp=That's why she needs someone to have control over her! She is just a kid with too much power!

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