Chapter N.120-Fruit Of Strenght

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"Hexako's group is having lunch at their table."

Asp=... DDV, could you help me eat the cod?

Ddv=Of course.

"Hexako closes her eyes."

"...Seeing her daughter's basic movements tampered so much that she can't even eat by herself..."

"... The Devil Itself knows that's her fault."

"Jane and Kurio look sad too."

Ddv=Why do you all look so sad?

Ddv=Mother said this should've been a fun trip for all of us.

"The Devil Itself glances at Asphyxia."

Hex=I'm so sorry, Asphyxia.

Asp=...We already talked about this.

Hex=We didn't talk enough.

Asp=Ok,then. We will talk, just not right now, in front of the kids.

"Lowering their heads, the kids finish their meals, and 10 minutes after that..."

"Everyone stands up from their table, headed outside. Asphyxia is followed by Kurio and Jane, while Hexako and DDV went somewhere else."

Asp=Ehm... Why are you following me?

Jan=We didn't know what to do...

Asp=I'm just on a walk until we get to Venice.


Asp=It's a beautiful city built on water.

Jan=That's weird! How can a city lay on water? I bet that's some kind of spell.

Asp=There's so no such thing as spells here.

Kur=And that's why The Leemboah is a hundred times better.

Jan=I like this peaceful place better.~

Jan=The blue sky, the sun, the green grass...

Jan=Why can't we have them too?

Asp=We already are virtually immortal, Jane. I think that's enough.

Jan=But life has no meaning if you can't enjoy it to its fullest!

Jan=Or at least... That's my way.

Asp=You're so smart, little one.

Asp=I like your school of thought.

Asp=...Can I ask a risky question?

Kur=Go ahead...

Asp=What do you wanna do when you grow up?

Kur=Ehm... I don't know. I think I'll just keep going to school, after we end this.

Jan=I want to become a dancer! Or maybe a dance teacher! Why not both!

Asp=I see.

Jan=And you? What did you wanna do when you were little?


Asp=Do I have to answer seriously?


Asp=... Well. I wanted to become a symbol.

Asp=Lady Hexako wasn't always the woman she is today.

Asp=She was cruel, cold, emotionless. Even to us,her daughters.

Asp=I will spare you the details, but she treated us like beasts.

Asp=None of us enjoyed our childhood, or most of our lives, for that matter.

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