Chapter N.57-Starting Shot

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"No one even mourned Adriano's death. This hope can be restored by Hazematt... We'll see."

"... But about Denver's death..."

Rol=... Hey, dude.

"Roland is kneeling, paying respects to Denver."

Rol=You did great, my friend.

"Roland puts Denver's revolver in the detective's hand, to then, drag it to the heart."

"No tear flows by The General's eyes."

Rol=... I lost many good soldiers, but you were the best. Rest in peace, Denver.

Rol=... Father Peter, could you bury his body?

Pet=I-I will... I would've preferred he got an autopsy,but...

Pet=...Well,I'm taking his body.

"Peter starts dragging his body with Roland."

"... But a piece of paper, falls from The Detective's pocket, into a pool of blood."

Rol=What's that?

"Roland picks up this folded sheet, now covered in blood."

Rol="It's the monologue he prepared for the wedding... Let's read it..."


Rol="Here goes nothing."

Rol="Dear friends, family and whoever is here with me to celebrate this moment. My dear children, even though I had you just for this short period of time, I swear I'll love and protect you as if you were my biological discendents. Thorell, my wonderful wife. The one who always fought with me. Our journey was long,wasn't it? Now we're together,after years of silence,I still remember when we first met in that club. That memory can't fade. And... Roland."


Rol=I-I can't read this. Thorell, read this.

"The Venomous Spy is trembling, reading this."

Tho="Roland. My dearest friend. The one person who managed to pick me up when I fell down,I own my everything to you, and nothing will be enough to pay what you did for me. Not even my life."

"The children are there too... Staring at The General."

Rol=His... Life? T-this is... Ironic,isn't it?

"A cursed expression of sadness grows onto Roland's face."

Rol=I can't cry, I can't cry, I can't cry.

"Roland keeps repeating this sentence, almost obsessionally."

Rol=... Fuck this. From nowhere,I'm losing my best-friend,because of a person I never met in my life and not even talked to... Fuck this!

Rol=W-Winning The Deangel War wasn't enough? Did I have to do more? I couldn't save the others, and now... I couldn't save you...

"Not even Roland can hold back tears,the other ones get around him,to hug him."

Rol=I'm sorry, Denver...

"The General,sitting on the grass,looks up at Satin and Kurio,tipping his helmet upwards."

Rol=Kurio. Satin. Promise me you'll get Arboreale. I want to see that motherfucker in hell.

Sat=... We're about to do that, Roland,drive us back home, we're gonna find Roma and the others.

"A ringing phone. Denver's phone."

"Thorell picks up."

Tho=Who's there?

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