Chapter N.92-Sprout Of Space

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Che=That flame on his shoulder! It gives me the same feeling... Kurio,do you feel it too? Doesn't it look like Lokk?!

Kur=Lokk?! Pocco's alter ego from 2 years ago?!

Che=It's the same, they have something in common!

Smi=Stop bumbling random shit! Just fight me!

"Smith starts running, to then,disappear into thin air."

Che=Everyone, close to me!

"A cut suddendly appears onto The Mindless Beast's body."

Che=Where do you think you're going, Faber?!

"Chēn throws his weapon, but still holds it through the chain and the weight."

"The Sickle gets stuck onto Smith's leg, only to deattach seconds after."

"The Lich runs faster, not caring of the wound provoqued by Chēn."

Che=Kurio, are you alright?

Kur=The cut is deep. It's terribly deep, but I still can move.

"Jane shakes, finally being face to face with his father."

Kur=Jane, calm down,we ain't gonna make it if we panic!

Jan=I can't chill! It's my fault you got that cut!

Kur=You're wrong. It was my choice to fight.

Smi=I still remember what you did at the abandoned fabric, Mindless Beast!

"Jumping at Kurio, Smith swings his weapon at him."

"The Beast punches him."

"... Or at least tries to. Bathing in Kurio's blood, Smith cuts Kurio's hand in half."

Kur="That strenght, that speed, that technique! Chēn was telling the truth! This isn't a foe to be underestimated!"

"And again, The Lich disappears."

Jan=Kurio, retire from the fight! Just get into The House!

Kur=I can't! Not yet!

Jan=You can't even walk anymore!

"Kurio charges ahead, he sensed Smith."


"Kurio uses his damaged hand to attack Smith, that's when it gets chopped off his body."

Smi=Are you this dumb? Why would you use that to attack me-

"Kurio manages to throw a last blow onto The Lich, using his other hand, he aimed at the legs."

Kur="It hurts to stand up! I need to rest!

"Kurio is running back to The House, crawling in shame."

Smi=You're not going there!-

Che=-You're wrong!

"Chēn's chains are wrapped around Smith's ankle."

Che=Get over here, Faber!

"Pulling him closer, Smith smiles."

Smi=I've waited this moment for a life, Chēn!

"Kurio managed to escape, and now,the two rivals are face to face, with Jane assisting The Chained Samurai."

Smi=I gave my everything away to raise you, and this is what you give to me?

Smi=You betray me with the one person who caused all of our pain?!

Jan=At least he surpassed his mistake and proved himself as a hero.

Jan=What are you now?

Jan=... A heartless criminal.

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