Chapter N.106-Half 'n' Half

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"The first thing coming in Jobellf's mind when thinking about Malhann, is their first meeting."

"She was the one gifting him his mechanical prothesis... In exchange for trust."

"The devil bowed to the Star of Evil, who was kind enough to gift him something that could upgrade his lifestyle forever."


Von=What are you, miserable creature?

"The Horsman proudly speaks riding his mount."

Job=I'm a worthless being who finally has been given value.


Von=Why are you here?

Job=Malhann of Evil sent me here.

Von="What are The Stars up to?"

"Vrheim realizes a Divine Star is standing right next Chēn and the others."

"In that instant, his heart seemed to stop, and his sweat coldy trails his forehead."

"He turns around, screaming,worried sick:"


"But Chēn wasn't there. Neither was Zyopas of Space."


"An howling wind hits him from behind."

"Zyopas and Chēn teleported before him, to take the blow sent from Jobellf."

"Chēn managed to block the mechanical fist using his Death Bringer."

Von=Wait, Zyopas! Aren't you an enemy?

Zyo=Of course not. I already interfered too much.

Zyo=... I'm going to tell you everything, you guys won't die here!

Zyo=...I'll be merciful, Jobellf.

Zyo=Do you want to live, or do you want to die?

"The devil's legs starts to tremble. The pressure gets him on the floor."

"He grabs his own head, frenetically smashing it onto the floor."

Che=Stop it, you...

"Chēn wanted to help him, but when Jobellf glanced at The Samurai..."

"The devil's eyes were totally empty, streaming blood down his cheek."

Che=What the-

Zyo=Malhann's Mind Control!

"Jobellf starts spitting his organs out of his body,in a violent and hurtful cough."

Job=How... Is-

Zyo=How could you trust her?

Zyo=You were nothing more than a pawn to her.

Che=What does it mean, Lady Zyopas?

Zyo=Malhann, The Star of Evil, cursed him with her Telepathy. I'm sorry for this guy, the pain he's feeling right is the equivalent of the brightest flames of hell.

Von=Just let me... Take the last shot.

Von=I'll end his suffering.

"After an arrow to the head, Jobellf dies. An useless and forgettable death."

Von=Chēn, Zyopas. I wanted to prove you all my worth, but you got in my way!

Zyo=He would've probably died because of The Telepathy anyway. Something in his mind triggered and broke the rules and will that Malhanm gave him.

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