Chapter N.18-To My Little One

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"Denver's group bursts out of the restaurant's door."

Den=Everyone, on the car! We're going straight to Utopia!

"Roland takes a mini-radio out of his pocket."

Rol=Send me Teddy. Over.

"He quickly hides it back in its pocket."

Rol=Denver... Thorell, we're splitting up. 'Bye!

Tho=But The Beast! And who is "Teddy"?!

Den=Woah! You're going to bring Teddy here?

"Denver and Roland shake hands."

Den=I'm sure we already won. Goodbye, Rolly.

"Roland walks away, calmly whistling."

Den=Tori, just accept it. Don't question it.

"Denver opens the car's door for Thorell."


Tho=Being a gentleman is outdated, step it up, Detective.

"Thorell's face is smug."

Tho=I forgive you, get in.

"Once they got into the car, they both went silent for about 20 minutes. Something's not right."

Den=Tori, why are you so silent? You aren't sleeping either... That's weird.

Tho=I was... Thinking.

Tho=Back at the restaurant, you said you wanted to settle down in Utopia, starting a family... Having kids...

Tho=I'm gonna be honest with you, I still love you like I used to do years ago, but... I kinda don't want to start a family... At least not right now.

"Denver's face remains straight."

Den=I understand.

"He stops the car."

Den=Stay here, I'm gonna get a lighter and some cigarettes.

"The Detective enters the tobacco shop while tipping his hat to the cashier."

"Meanwhile, in the car."

"The Spy's breathing is getting quicker, she's almost on the verge of tears."

Tho=I messed up! I fucking messed up!

"Thorell slaps herself in her face."


"She chokes herself, injecting herself with her needle, sedating herself asleep."

"Denver comes back two minutes too late."

Den=Is she sleeping?

"Denver gets closer to Thorell."

Den=She did not fell asleep. There are some marks on her neck... Hands.

Den=And there are evident signs of slaps on her cheeks... But the marks are... Inverted!

Den=That means...

"5 minutes later... Denver's car is running. The Detective is visibly pissed, he can't hide it."

"Thorell wakes up, trying not to cross Denver's look. She knows Denver got it. She knows that too well."

Den=Tori... I didn't expect this from you.

Tho=What did I even do?


Tho=... Ok, I hurt myself and now?

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