Chapter N.129-Embodiment Of Strenght

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"As the classes were about to end, Oarse knocks on the door. The teacher packs up her things sooner, today."

"And she turns off the lights, everyone is surprised."

"The Goddess of Strenght enters the classroom, holding a cake by her hands."


"The whole class sings to him a happy birthday song."

"Oarse leads Kurio to the teacher's desk. The kid stands before his lit cake, staring at the candles."

"His attention comes back once the teacher placed herself before the desk, holding a polaroid camera by her hands."

"Kurio feels his mom's hand on his shoulder."

Oar=Come on, baby.~ Smile!

"The picture was taken, the both of them run to the teacher, to check the results."


"But the little one bounces, he remembered something."

Kur=The candles!

Oar=Remember your wish!

Kur=You're right!

"Kurio blows the candles with all of his air."

Oar=Don't blow this hard next time, silly!

"He shyly puts his hands behind his back."

Kur=I'm sorry!~

Oar=... Bye the way, what did you wish for?

Kur=I thought I wasn't supposed to tell-

Oar=You can tell mommy.

Kur=Aw, ok!

"Oarse bows, so that Kurio could speak in her ear."

Kur=I wished for daddy to feel better and come back from the hospital.


Oar=... I'm sure he will.

"Oarse walks away, in shame. And the teacher stops her on the door."

"Whispering, Mrs. ***** asks:"

???=What does he mean with hospital? I thought you divorced with his father.

Oar=I did, but I didn't have enough strenght to tell him the truth. What would he think of me?

Oar=He would think his mother is a beast, a heartless person. I can't tell him I was carrying the family without any help!

???=I understand, I'm sorry... I'll keep this a secret.

Oar=Thank for your understanding, Mrs. *****.

Oar=Regarding the party, when should I give Kurio his presents?

???=Mh... They all seem to be having the cake. We can just wait until they're finished eating.

Oar=Seems about right.

"Kurio comes in, bringing them two badly cut pieces of cake."

Oar=Is this for us? Thank you, baby. But you should know I don't like sweet food. Maybe your teacher wants some, ask her.

"He turns to her,smiling."

???=No, thank you!~ You're so polite though!

"He then rushes to put down the plates on the desk, to get close once again to his mom."

Oar=Why so troubled, Kurio? Maybe something's wrong?


Oar=Tell me what's the matter.~

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