Chapter N.101-Fruit of Goodness

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"The Demon Horsewoman Noelle, is standing before Benjamin of Goodness, within the Famine World, the powerful ability of the demon."

"A beam of light is shot from Benjamin's fingertips."

"Noelle defends herself with her arms."

Noe="I don't really have any kind of ability to attack him directly! But if I get close to him, maybe...

"Looking at her weapon... The black balance, The Famine World..."

Noe="... I could beat him."

"Blowing through her Balance, a furious wind unleashes onto Benjamin,surprised of its power."

"The wind becomes a tornado, sucking up everything in the world created by Noelle."

"But the Star disappeared. He almost seems to vanish in the beating African sunlight of The Horseman."

Noe="This guy... I always knew he was strong... But... This is too much even for me!"

"That's when another beam of light penetrates her chest."

"Yellow blood leeks from her mouth, as Benjamin comes down from the sky.

Ben=Exactly what I thought.

Ben=Where's Roma?

Noe="The wound is terrifying... I won't hold The Famine World  any longer...

Noe="Please... God. Make so Roma and Bezra ran away... I beg you."

Ben=Are you willing to tell me where she is?


Ben=This is your last chance, choose wisely.

"Benjamin points his finger directly to Noelle's forehead."

"His fingertip starts to glow..."

Noe="Damn it. Is this the end? Living for thousands of years, and it's all ending here?"

Noe=But I won't tell you where Roma is.~

"The Horsewoman of Famine smiles to The Star of Goodness."

Noe=She has a greater future than me. Kill me and lose the battle anyway.~

Ben=You piece of-

"... But Her Graceful hand shuts Benjamin's mouth from behind."

"The pointy tip of the bloody knife enters The Star's flesh."

Rom=Benjamin of Goodness... Did you need me? Here I am.



"The Archangel flies up in the skies, with Roma hooked on his back, her knife is firm inside his bones."

Ben=You look even more miserable now. I'M GOING TO ERASE YOU!


"Roma tames Benjamin's wings, and her knife is heading..."

"...To the ground."

Ben=Get off me, you bitch! You're gonna die with me!

Ben=We're heading down with crazy speed! Are you dumb?!

Rom=... What do you want from me?

Ben=... You're my burden. I couldn't come to The Leemboah to find you... But now that you're here...

Rom=What do you mean with that?!


"Benjamin shoots Roma's right hand."

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