Chapter N.73-Fishy Situation

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???=Good morning class...

???=Miss. Galaway here.

"Galaway got a pair of wheels instead of legs, previously chopped by Marlow two years ago. Her scarf is now purple, instead of the old pink one, who got dirty with blood, years ago..."

Gal=We have a new student in our class!

"Galaway sends signs to the new student to get in."

"A small fish-like girl with light blue hair united in a scrunchy, to then, fall down in a messy ponytail. She wears a pink hoodie with a moon on it, and toggles to her knees..."

"... Smith Faber's daughter."

Gal=...Her name is Jane Faber!

Jan=Hi everyone!

"Jane looks around, and wonders where to sit."

Gal=Aw, Jane,you could sit next to Kurio, the one with the green hoodie!~

Jan=Sure! Thank you, Miss. Galaway!

"Sally laughs, covering her horrible mouth with her hands."

Sal="Kurio found a girlfriend!~"

"Jane sits down, smiling at Kurio."

Jan=Nice to meet you, Kurio,my name is Jane!

Kur=Nice to meet you too.

"The Knight looks out of the window, bored."

Jan=You have got the face of a person who is hiding something.

Kur=What? I'm an open book.

Jan=We'll see that later!

"Three hours pass. Meanwhile, Kurio thought about Jane's words, glancing at her multiple times throughout the lession, Jane did the same too."

"At the break, the kids all got outside, enjoying their 20 minutes of freedom."

"Kurio is sitting against the wall, with Sally right beside him."

Kur=You can go play, Sally. Don't worry about me.

Sal=But I just want to stay with you... Can't I?

Kur=If you want to...

"Some meters away, Jane is talking with two other kids."

Jan=I ain't gonna give you my food.


Jan=Exactly. What are you going to do about it?


"The kid pushes Jane onto the ground, she just smiles, while getting up."

Jan=Oh no! You pushed me onto the floor! What a badass!

"Jane said this with sarcastic voice."

"She just punches one of the two kids."

Jan=Stay out of my way.

"Kurio's eyes open wide open, as he gets up."

Sal=Kurio, what are you-

Kur=You two.

"The Mindless Beast walks in between the kids and Jane."

Kur=Leave her alone. She's with me.

"The kids got away in silence, looking at the floor of the school's backyard."

"Kurio takes Jane by her hand."

Kur=Come with me.


"They get to Kurio's beloved wall, next to Sally."

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