Chapter N.30-The Blooming Ruler

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"Arboreale, the spirit of the forest is ready to take a speech, to boost his comrades' spirits."

"He proudly stands up to start the speech."

Arb=Here is The New King, Arboreale.
...We have been pushed away from the capital... Have you ever asked yourselves... "Why?" "Why have we been rejected by The King?"
Well,my friends. Today I will tell you why. It's because we speak the truth, we want to bring peace and wealth to this horrible land called Leemboah, and I promise that I, Arboreale will gift new life to our hopes, our dreams...
And our uncertain future will get brighter, clearer,thanks to my newfound ability...
This eye in my crown is something celestial, divine,it feels as God Himself crafted it! With this power... Nothing will stop us!
Our path may be long and dangerous, but The Black Feather Court will fall down!
And their King... Hazematt...
... That monster will fall too.

Arb=... End of the speech.

"His soldiers raise their weapons, ready to raid The Castle."

Arb=We'll have to walk for a week. Get your supplies ready.

Arb=This is the perfect moment to attack them, His city was attacked just days ago by that giant monster, Lokk...
His people must be starving, in a panic, suffering His violence.

Arb=... I'll help you in a few minutes...

"The Blooming Ruler leaves the cave, to enter his beautiful, small town, built in a forest."

"The Town of Grava occupies just a tiny part of The Leemboah, but Arboreale's heart is fulfilled with this place's inner beauty."

"Arboreale sits on the lucent grass, leaning to a tree."

"He toggles his crown to breathe his town's fresh air."

"His stunning, blue eyes reflects the sun's light, almost creating a sapphire beam."

"... A kid walks towards him."

???=Father Arboreale? Can I ask you a question?

Arb=Of course, Danz.

"This kid, Danz, is wearing a multicolored hat, with a small helix on top of it."

Dan=Why do you want to attack my city?

Arb=Oh, that's right. You were born there...

Arb=... The capital, is a horrible and dying city, governed by a monster. A truly horrible person.

Arb=The others and I will bring peace to that place.

Dan=That means you'll leave Grava forever?

Arb=I'll return to this place,once i overthrow the throne. I love Grava too much to leave it forever.

Dan=Who will take care of the churches, while you're away?

Arb=My disciples will do that. I trained them greatly, and I trust them.

Dan=By the way... I really like your ceremonies, Arcipriest Arboreale... They m-make me feel so calm and, and-

"The Blooming Ruler smiles."

Arb=I understood, don't worry.

Arb=May God bless you.

"Arboreale draws an imaginary cross on Danz's forehead, with his thumb."

Arb=Young one, could you get me my crown? I forgot where I put my headpiece... Again...


"Danz stutters before putting the crown onto The Ruler's head."

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