Chapter N.130-Oniric Sequence

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"In paradise Oarse is crying, with Kurio between her arms."

Oar=And in that situation, even I hadn't enough strenght. I gave up on my life on Earth and came back here.

Oar=Maybe I never had any strenght.

Kur=You're so wrong.

Kur=You're still my hero, mom.

Kur=Thank you, thank you and thank you for everything you did for me.

Oar=I would love to have you in my arms forever.

Oar=I can't believe I have to let you go once again.

Kur=Mom. This time is different.

Kur=We are The Knights of The Black Feather. We'll win this one too.

Oar=I hope so...

Oar=You know the risk you're taking, right?

Kur=I do, but I don't care about it.

Kur=The group Roma created is... Magical.

Kur=Trust me, mom. We're gonna beat Him and we're gonna live the life you wanted to live with me!

Oar=Well, then. I trust you.~

"Oarse materializes Kurio's Wooden Cup."

"She dips in the brush."

Oar=Grab the brush."

"Kurio does so. Then she put her hand on his, to lean his hand and draw something."

"A circle, claws... The Symbol of Strenght."

"Kurio's outfit changes to a blue fiery one with gold and green accents, and flames coming from his back."

Oar=You look just like me.

"She gets close to him, to kiss with their noses."

Kur=I've got to go.

"He waves at her, walking forward."

"Whispering, Oarse says:"

Oar=My pride.

"The door closes. But another one was destined to open soon."

"The waiting room runs thin, with half of The Knights gone."

"Seksenia is trying to play and talk with Jane, to keep her entertained in this stressful moment."

Sek=Roma and Bezra are gonna marry soon! Do you have a cute dress for the event?


Jan=My dad really didn't have style! This is why I only have hoodies and sweatpants!

Jan=And even if I had any cute dresses, he probably wouldn't let me use them...

Sek=That doens't matter anymore! Once we're out of this and we're back in The Leemboah, we're all gonna buy new dresses,ok?

Jan=Oh my gosh! I'd love that! I never went shopping!

Sek=For real? I always go out and buy something with my sisters!

Sek=You gotta come with me, now!

Jan=I'm so excited!

Sek=Aw-Aw!~ I'm glad you are happy. Hug me, baby!

"Seksenia hugs her and pats her head."

"Meanwhile, Amii and Satin..."

"Amii is snuggled up to him, laying on the soft clouds of heaven."



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