Chapter N.131-Snowball Effect

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"Bezra, walking through the corridor, sees his tall figure, standing in the shadow of this isolated and dry place."

"Settimo of Weakness."



Set=Did you sleep well?

Bez=With Roma in my bed, of course I did.~

"She covers her mouth with her hands."

"And he smiles."

Set=Well, do you have anything to say before I show you your past?

Bez=Not really, I just can't wait to see me in human form!

Bez=Do you know if I was cute?

Set=The cutest...

Bez=For real? Let me see!

Set=Well, then.

"England, Oxford."

???=Mr. Docford, I'm desolated but...

???=Your wife didn't make it.

"He widens his eyes."

"A young Bezra was right behind him, hearing evertrhing."

Bez=Mom?! Can I see her?!

Dad=Stay here with the doctor, I'm gonna check on her.


"The dad quickly steps into the room where Bezra's mom lies."

Dad=Victoria... Why would you leave me?

"He grabs a golden necklace, resting on her bed-side table."

"The necklace destined to become Bezra's Outwordly Relic."

"Leaving the room, with it, he calls the hospital staff."

Dad=Ironic for my wife to go like this.

Doc=Exactly. It will be a great loss for the medical field.

"This young Bezra sees them talking, not understanding much about the situation."

"She tucks her tuft of long black hair behind her ear."

"After that, she gets out of the building

Bez=Dad, how was mom?

Dad=...She was just like always.

Bez=Why did you take her necklace?

Dad=She told me to give it you, so you can wear it once you grow up.

Bez=Mom would've never gave her necklace to someone else.

Dad=But you're her daughter, Bezra. This is something a lot of people do. Passing their precious objects through generations.

"He takes the necklace out of his pocket, to put it around Bezra's neck. It looks loose and oversized."

Dad=By the way, get in the car, and remember your seatbelt.


"She opens the left door of the car, and jumps on its seat."

"She loudly closes the door back again."

Dad=I told you not to smash the door when you close it!

Bez=I-I'm sorry. I forgot.

"She gets quiet and shy, while the dad keeps driving focused, with eyes of ice."

Dad=That will add one hour of study.

Bez=One hour?!

Dad=You're complaining? I'm giving you a hour and a half.

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