Chapter N.87-The Infamous Villa

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"After Seksenia detected the enemy's position, through the device stolen from Reene... The Knights decided to head towards The Mountain of Forgiveness."

"In less than thirty minutes, they'll be there, facing their objective."

Jan=Kurio, I'm so excited about this!


Jan=This is the first time I'm on my own... Without my father! He's overprotective, that's why I'm so hyped about the attack!

Kur=But... Didn't he teach you how to fight? Why would he teach that to you that?

Jan=That was just for extreme situations.

Kur=... It looks like he cares about you.

Jan=He cares too much about me...

Jan=... You know... After my mom died, I was the one thing who connected them... Like a piece of her is in me.

Jan=My father says she caught a disease and died when I was a baby.

Che=Pay attention, everyone!

"They got onto the mountain, and the Villa is right before them."

Ami=We're here...

Ami=I think I saw this place once or twice when I was younger...

Che=You can get out of The House. We'll come for you after you're finished.

Ami=Why can't we all get inside?

Sek=There are 2 people in there. We don't need to use the whole group for 2 enemies.

Sat=What are you others going to do?

Che=We're going to talk with The Boss of The White Rose.

Ami=How will you find her? It's not that easy! Bosses always change position to run from the police!

Sek=She's my sister. It'll be a very pacifist talk.

Ami=I'm amazed...

Rom=Well, it's time to go, now...

Rom="Into the wolf's mouth", sweethearts!~

"Bezra got before Kurio, the kid towers her in height."

Bez=...Kurio... I'm sorry. I should've understood you before.

Kur=I did horrible things. You had every right to slap me.

Bez=But I still feel bad for it... I hope you get how much I love you.

Kur=I know you love me, that's why it hurts.

Bez=I'm going to cook you whatever you want, once this is over.

Kur=I can't wait for it!

"Kurio grabs Jane's hand."

Kur=Let's go now!

"Leaving The House, Amii, Satin, Kurio and Jane are breaking in, using Kurio's Beast Form."

Sat=I will direct the attack! The enemy won't accept a pacifist talk, they want blood!

Kur=Got it. We'll win this one in no time.

"But a shot goes through Satin."

???=Why isn't he falling?!

"...Boddie and Valiah are here, breaking through the windows."

Sat=Kurio, Jane, run away! Amii and I are gonna take care of this!

Kur=This is not your fight. You must take down Pneuma.

"Satin tightens his fist."

Sat=Alright. I trust you, Kurio.

Unremembearable-The Leemboah's Taleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें