Chapter N.29-The Knights Of The Black Feather

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"The Plague Of The King gets released into Lokk's body. White bubbons spurting infections and liquids pop out of The Monster's body."

"The Abomination's abdomen gets deeply cut, to let The King out of its body."

Haz=Thank you, Chēn.

"The King elegantly steps out of the body, through the cut."

"Kurio gets closer to Hazematt."

Haz=Don't get close to me!


Haz=My Plague hasn't worn off of me yet...

"Lokk's body was completely devoured by The King's powers."

Haz=...Ok, now I'm clean...

Kur=We did it!

Kur=Group Hug Of Victory?


"They all hug Kurio, standing at the center of the hug."

Rom=You all did great, guys...

"Within' this team, they all feel safe,they feel loved. This group is their everything. They do not have nothing else to live for."

"These people, who found protection in other people just as lonely... Are destined to a long path to cross."

"The Rebels are now having dinner at the castle, as the skies got clear, to reveal an unusual starry night."

Che=Little punks... Look outside of the window.

"They all stand up, to get to the windows."

Kur=... The stars... They are so beautiful, aren't they, Roma?

Rom=You're right!~

Kur=You know who else is beautiful?

"Roma giggles."

Rom=Shine on, you silly diamond.

"Satin's eyes cross with Roma's."

Sat=Ehm... So, what did that guy tell you,today?

Rom=Oh, right... Listen up, guys, this is important.

Rom=That guy told me that some people who die on Earth can keep an object with them, when they are given life once again, in The Leemboah.

Rom=I am one of those people, look at my Diary, this is an Outwordly Relic.

Sat=Y-you never opened it?

Rom=I tried to, it was locked...

Rom=...But now, I can. I'll open it for the first time, with you all.

"Roma deattaches her diary from her dress. The cover presents gold accents and a huge sign that says "Diario"."

"The Bloody Bride quickly turns the pages. Every page is blank... But the first one."

Rom=I know this language... It's italian. I was italian...

Rom=So, the first page says:"I hope you liked the new kitchen set I bought you, I'll be back home once I'm done working, love you!"

Rom=... This isn't my handwriting.

Che=It looks like a man's calligraphy.

Rom=... So... This was useless?

Che=We should be patient and search for other clues.

Che=Thinking of it... I have an Outwordly Relic too... Although I lost years ago.

Sat=How did you lose such an important object?!

Che=Because of my bad temperance.

Bez="Bad Temperance"? I never net someone calmer than you!

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