Chapter N.94-The Infernum

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"After they left the portal, and got out of The House, The Infernum shocks them. It's like a never ending large cave, with red, burnt terrain and fire appearing onto unreachable rocks."

"Her heavy steps temporarely scare The Knights."

???=Good morning, Knights!

"The Devil is an 8 meters tall woman with red skin, 6 horns and 6 arms."

Rom=Good morning to you, Lady...

Rom=I'm sorry, do you have a name?

???=I didn't even tell you my name? I guess I'm getting old... My name is Hexako!

Rom=Lady Hexako? It sounds great!

Hex=Oh oh!~ Thank you, Roma!

Sat=How does she know your name?!

Hex=I know a lot about you, Knights.

Hex=I sometimes have watched your adventures, when I was bored. And you managed to entertain me, that's how you got my attention, and my snake's attention!

"A tri-headed snake rises to her shoulder."

Kur=I already saw those... Snakes.

Hex=Oh, yeah. Sorry they bothered you down there, they tend to be quite troublesome!


"After akward seconds, Seksenia raises attention to her."

"Seksenia fakes a cough."

Sek=... Hey mom! Someone wanted to say hi!

"Seksenia pushes Hazematt closer to Hexako."


Hex=Oh no, is he... Him?

Sek=Yeah, he's my boyfriend!

"Hexako resizes herself to just 2 meters, to hug both Seksenia and Hazematt."

Hex=You two are so cute together! My little Seksenia really turned into a woman!

Hex=Congratulations! He's very cute!

Hex=If only I was 50 bilions years younger...

Sek=... Mom.

Hex=Yeah, sorry.

Hex=... And... You, Asphyxia...


Hex=I still can't believe I did that. I don't have words to explain my sorrow.



"Kurio notices something in the distance, a huge castle, built on a mountain."

Hex=That's my mansion. I live there with my family, and that's exactly where we're headed to! Follow me!


"Once they got there, Hexako places herself at the center of a huge square."

Hex=So... I got you here to explain you something.

Hex=There's a major order of beings, generated directly by my powers,and not by my body.

Hex=They are The Four Horsemen of Apocalypse. The four strongest beings in The Infernum.

Hex=Basically, they hate humanity, unlike me. And I wanted you to help them understand how amazing humans can be.

Sat=What a bizzarre task.

Rom=We'll try our best to succeed.

Hex=I know that.

Hex=... Now, we're ready.

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