Chapter N.105-Fruit of Space

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"Zyopas and Chēn teleported to Bangui, where Bezra is currenlty living."

Zyo=I'm the Divine Star of Space, Zyopas, nice to meet you,Bezra.

Bez=A Divine Star?!

Zyo=Don't worry about me. I'm not a child like Benjamin. I'm sorry for those stupid things he did. He's usually pretty chill...

Zyo=By the way, can you heal Chēn?

Bez=Of... Course?

"Bezra bites Chēn, with suspicious thoughts."

Bez=Chēn? Are you there? Are you sure you aren't mind-controlled or something like that?


"The Samurai is staring at Zyopas."

Che=I think I'm in love.

"Sitting on his knees, Chēn still looks at her."

Zyo=C-Chēn! You only know me since minutes, you can't just... Fall in love with me...

"Black tears come down Zyopas cheeks."

Zyo="She stars crying, hugging Chēn."

Bez=What the hell is happening here?!

Bez=Your friend Settimo hugged me too, can you all stop being so weird?!

Zyo=... We feel pain, too, Doctress Bezra. And thank you for the healing.

Zyo=Chēn is safe with me.

"The Star is about to once again, teleport with the Samurai.

Che='Bye Bezra! See you later!

"After the travel, they are in New York once again, next to Von Vrheim's group."

Che=Your powers are very useful. Do you buy groceries like this?

Zyo=Are you telling me that the first thing coming in your mind while thinking about my ability is buying groeceries?

Che=Of course. I want a peaceful life, in the end.

Che=One day, this fight will be over. And I'm thinking about what to do after that.

Zyo=Your fight is... Betraying God's will?

Che=Exactly. One day, we're going to fight God.

Che=You don't seem hostile. May I ask you what The Azazel is? It couldn't leave my head since Lady Hexako talked about it.

Zyo=... It's the fusion of The 3 Blessings and The 3 Curses. Goodness, Strenght and Space are the Blessings, while Evil, Weakness and Time are the Curses.


Che=Great, but now I unfortunately have to go with Von Vrheim and his group. If you want to hang out with me, you'll have to wait.~

Zyo="So non-chalant..."

Zyo=Are you gonna leave me here?

Che=If you want to join us, just come with me.

Zyo="His look of perpetual shine, of pure calm..."

Zyo="Is what killed me."

"Von Vrheim turns his head to Chēn and Zyopas, walking ahead."

Von=You're back, Chēn... I'm sorry for that wound on your hand.

Che=It's nothing, Lady Zyopas brought me to my friend Bezra and healed me.

Gol="What does she want from Chēn?"

Von=About that. What are you up to, Zyopas?


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