Chapter N.3-Through Beers and Fights

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"As our duo enters this stinky-hub, Roma's nose distorts because of this vomit-inducing odor."

Sat=This is disgusting! Roma, could we leave this pla-

"Someone starts talking to Roma and Satin, from the counter, where lots of monsters and undeads sit together to feast."

???=I'm sorry bud', you got something to say? I'm the owner of the hub, if you got some problems, just tell me.

"The Owner's got a scary and deep voice, fitting for someone of his dimensions. His beard is black and thick, just like an iron string. He wore some shorts and a white sleeveless shirt, to show his huge and furry arms."

Sat=I-I'm sorry, sir I didn't want to-

"The Owner loudly laughs, to insult Satin."

Own=You are so weak! You won't last a day in The Leemboah!

Rom=I'm sorry? Could you repeat that, please? I don't think I truly heard what I heard...

Own=I said...

"The Bartender gets closer and closer to Satin's scared face."

Own=... He wouldn't last a day in The Leemboah.

"Roma takes three steps forward,to grab The Owner's shirt."

Rom=I'm challenging you.

Sat=Roma, stop! It's useless! Let's just leave the hub!

Rom=I do not like that. We will prove him wrong.

Own=These are huge words for such a small lady...

Rom=I need answers... I need answers to kill my questions.

Own=Oh oh! I know many things that could help you. In the end, I'm the bartender of this place, I know everything you need.

Rom=Well... If we survive another day in this land, you will answer our questions.

Own=And I will offer you a dinner too, with pleasure.


"As the two of them shake hands, Roma's eyes shine bright, hungry for challenges."

Sat=T-this is madness! Roma! We won't make it!

Rom=We will... We'll just live normally, and get our reward. As easy as that...

Own=Nope. It won't be that easy...

"The Owner's face darkens as he speaks, staring into Satin's eye."

Own=You will go in The Capital's forest, the infamous Three Fingers' Forest, 2 kilometers to south...

Rom=But... How will you know if we really are there?

Own=Great question... I will use this!

"The Bartender slaps Satin's back, while a purple magical ring spreads on his white robes."

"Satin screams in pain, phasing in and out from the hit."


Own=That was a curse... I know your exact location in real time from this exact moment. Now go away, or else I'll beat your ass for lying to me...

Own=...Or even worse.

Sat=He's right! Roma! Let's go!

Rom=Yes, Satin... Let's go...

"As they walk out of the door, the entire hub starts talking about them."

"Meanwhile, these two, now outside..."

Rom=The Bartender told us to go south, walking for two kilometers...

"Satin's breath goes heavier and heavier, second by second. Glacial chills are running through his shaking body. His head starts twitching, and his hands quickly scratch his face."

Sat=... Why is this happening to me?

Rom=Satin, chill!

"Roma gets pushed away, while trying to calm down her friend."

Rom=S-Satin! Are you ok?! Is this a panic attack?!

"The White Robes scream from the top of their lungs, as Roma charges him."


Rom=You are asking for it.

"The Bloody Bride just coldly punches Satin with a serious, yet caring look in her celestial eyes."

"As her fist flies across his face, Satin regains his usual calm look, and he's gone dead silent for a while, after that punch."

Rom=... I... Am sorry, Satin. I hate violence, but I thought that punching you was the only way to calm you down... I couldn't think of anything else... I was so scared...

Sat=N-no... I am sorry for what I did, that panic attack should not had me going crazy. Next time I will control myself.

Rom=I understand you. Don't worry... I don't even know how one could control a panic attack...

"Roma turns around, she extends her hand towards Satin, with a beautiful smile on her face. The true smile of The Bloody Bride."

Rom=... You are just scared. You just need help, it's ok to ask for it.

"Satin's skeletrical hand reaches out for her soft hand, tightly grasping it."

Sat=Is-is it... Ok?

Rom=Of course it is...

"Roma's look begins to distort in fear, while getting darker. She is thinking about Satin's personality."

Rom=D-did you get... Abused in your past life? You look like a scared puppy... I can... Feel we got something in common. We even got out of the same Graveyard...

Rom=Are we two sides of the same medal?

Sat=It is too early to think about this... And right now I do not have the mental strenght to take such a thing... The way we died... I do not even want to think about that.

Sat=I am sorry for what I am about to do...

"Satin grasps her hand tight, again."

Sat=C-can we go to the Three Fingers' Forest now? So we can complete that Bartender's challenge and know something else about this place...

"Roma shows Satin her wonderful smile, once again... And Satin's eye shines, admiring her curved lips."

Rom=I know I may be annoying but...

"She puts her gentle hand on Satin's face, to move his robes out of the way..."

Rom=... I want to see your smile...

End Of Chapter 3.

Unremembearable-The Leemboah's TaleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora