Chapter N.64-Risolution

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"The King of The Black Feather Court is already in. And he's pissed off."

"Blood drips from his body, brutally wounded by the violent riot. He blocked the way to the castle placing a deadly purple haze right at the entrance. No one will get into this building anymore."

Haz="It was Yulla! She carbonized all of these guys."

"The dying flames of Yulla follow the stream of blood upstairs. It's almost as if The Fire Witch was conducting him to her Ruler."

Haz="I feel such an overwhelming feeling... I'm so fucking scared."

"Every step of those stairs made Hazematt even more afraid. Step by step, his legs felt like giving up on him."

Haz=... Finally.

"The two Kings are killing each others just using their eyes. Their looks told everything."

"Arboreale is crying streams of blood."

Arb=Hazematt. You've ruined my world. YOU ARE THE CANCER OF SOCIETY!

"Hazematt stretches his hand out to reach Arboreale."

Haz="I can't get closer to him! This power... It pushes me back so much that-"

"Hazematt broke his right arm. The Temporal Field created by The Eye Of Podewa got even stronger."

Haz="It hurts like a bitch! But I... I can't cry right now! I can't give up!

Haz="... I can't believe I really said that... But..."

Haz=... I WON'T GIVE UP!

Haz="... I noticed that my arm got back bent in a weird way, almost like it got hit by a huge wave, going back to Arboreale. That means... If I get to infect him before he manages to use The Eye Of Podewa... I can win."

"His group flashes in his mind. The Knights of The Black Feather, the people who accepted him, and loved him for what he truly is."

Haz=..."Goodbye, everyone. I loved you all."

"The King charges a plague in his working hand, to then take one final breathe, and charge into Arboreale's Field."

Haz=... For a better world.

"... When he thought everything ended... He just falls onto the ground."

"A popping sound followed by a squirt of blood, followed Arboreale's bitter screams."


"The Ruler loses blood from his empty eye-sockets. His eyes popped off because of the energy created The Eye Of Podewa."

"Arboreale is holding his helmet tight, even though he NEEDS to take it off as soon as possible."


Arb="My arms... My legs... The veins all popped."

Arb="Did I fail my friends? Did they all gave their lives for nothing?"

"His hair got back down. His body does so."

"Hazematt stands up. With sadness in his eyes."

"The King puts off Arboreale's crown, to see his bloody eyes. The crown is tossed away."

Haz=Welp. We're here...

"The Blooming Ruler is saying his last prayers."

Arb=Just... Why would you insist on killing me? You're going to destroy The Leemboah...

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