Chapter N.53-Seed Of Goodness

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"Apparently, a doppelgänger of Bezra is threatening the train."

"Bezra and Nicole are trapped and gagged inside a closet, still senseless."

"... But Casey is now running towards Roma, Nicole is nowhere to be found."

Cas=Roma! Did you see Nicole?!

Rom=She went to look out for you! Didn't you see her?!

Cas=I didn't see her... I hope nothing bad happened.

Rom=It's pitch black here... Nicole created some fireflies, but now they're gone...

Cas=They're gone?! Something happened to her!

"Casey is running away, trying to find Nicole."

Rom=Wait for me, Casey, we should stay together! The assassin is picking us one after another.

Rom=Let's run to the cabin, Bezra should be there.

Cas=Of course you want to save your friend instead of saving Nicole!

Rom=We don't even know where Nicole is. Losing time for her is a mistake, right now.

Cas=You are so fucking selfish!

"The Driver runs towards the end of the train, to look for Nicole."

Rom=Well, you're an adult, you take your responsability for that.

"They divide, The Bloody Bride is headed to the cabin, she knows Bezra is there."

"... But there, once she arrived, Roma sees no one in the cabin."

"...She must keep her composure."

Rom=Bezra? Are you here?

"Roma opens the locker, placed on the left side of the cabin, to find a bound and gagged Bezra."

Rom="Ok, I guess he doesn't want to kill us one by one, but to use us as hostages."

"The Bloody Bride frees Bezra, waking her up."

Rom=Cutie.~ Wake up!

Bez=...R-Roma! Nicole went crazy! She knocked me unconcious!

Rom=Nicole?! Are you sure about that?

Bez=Of course I am...

"Bezra is still trying to get up."

Bez=We have got to go... This place isnt's safe anymore...

Rom=... Wait, Bezra,this seems strange to me. Why would Nicole do that?

Bez=She went nuts? Arboreale paid her? Or maybe she betrayed us, becoming a betrayer that used to betray the betrayer?!

Rom=... Those things are stretching it too far. Nicole is a strong woman, who firmly believes in her ideals, I don't think she wants to hurt us. She litterally has no reason to do so.

Bez=Roma! I felt her hands wrapping around my neck, I just want to leave this train, and if Nicole wants to kill us, that means Casey is after us too!

"Quick and heavy steps get closer, Roma's guard is at an all time high."


"Nicole is peeking from the door, beaten up and hurt."


Bez=See, Roma?! These girls went fucking bonkers!

"Casey rushes Bezra, who is afraid and hurt."

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