Part 7

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I went to my room directly to take a shower. Its summer and its too hot today. After taking a cold shower, I felt better.

Wearing a light t-shirt, I heard someone knocking at my door. I asked
"Who is it?"
"Alis, its Ted"
Opening the door, he said
"The man who opened the door of the car, came here and wanted the keys of your punctured car"
"But why?"
"Riley wants to fix it"
Maybe he is not that bad as I thought. That night, he was arguing and now he gave us lift and trying to fix my car. I took it from my purse and handed it to Ted.

"Hey, your bag is on the car then this  t-shirt?"
I looked at him awkwardly pointing to his yellow t-shirt.
"Do you think Ted is that ass? I took it out from the car when we were entering into his car"
"What a smart brother I have!"
He winked and said
"Indeed. Now come downstairs, your graduation gift is left yet"
"You bought me gift?" I said excitedly
Walking to the door, he replied
"I did"

He is grown up and mature now. Ted is studying Computer engineering at Sydney. Unlike me, he stays with his family or I can call my family. And unlike me, he supports my family. He was suffering from Tuberculosis and Lauriya was diagnosed by Brain tumor when I arrived here. My father, at that time, was grieving for his wife's death, at the same time striving for Lauriya and Ted's treatment and also bearing the pain of daughter's separation and declared bankrupt too. My dad is very strong I know but I am not going to forgive him. No matter what may come.

I came to the kitchen and made tasty pizzas hurriedly. Ted loves pizza very much. I quickly took pieces of pizzas and went near Ted who was watching baseball match on tv.

Seeing pizzas on plate, he exclaimed
"Pizza! Its been long since I got your hand made pizza"
Biting a piece, he said
"It's yummy. I loved it. Where's your one?"
He finished his full meal and said
"Stay here, I am coming"

He went to the sink to wash his hands and went to my room. He came with 3 wrapped gifts in his hands.
I said "What's these?"
"Your graduation gift"
"Wow. Its great but you shouldn't have spent so much"
"Oh come on! You are not graduating every day. And I only payed for one gift. This 2 is given by dad and Lauriya"
Dad and Lauriya? They gifted me? Really? I can't control my hands to open it but in front of Ted, I decided to act numb
"Good. I am opening it"

I took a blue wrapped gift. There's a card written
"Its you who is perfect for the tittle daughter. To my little Charlie Chaplin who always loves me
Your dad"
My eyes filled with tears. Its been 4 years since I saw him. But still he remembers how I used to act like Charlie Chaplin, when he used to come to home after a long day work.
Few drops of tears started rolling from my eyes. Ted said slowly
"Sis, Dad misses you so much"
"I miss him too" I confessed
Ted looked a little bit satisfied with that.

He continued
"He never had Palvola after you left. He always keeps every gift of your birthday and christmas in your cupboard. He never slept in bedroom after you left. Because he believes from heart that someday you will enter through the door and say him 'Dad, make me coffee pls'. He never told us the reason behind his sleeping in couch but we know. Visit Australia once please. Regrets are killing him every day. He is alive just to see your face. Come with me please"

I couldn't say anything. Ted is saying truth because he is crying too. He don't have palvola. Palvola is his favorite dessert and he loved my hand made palvola. He don't sleep in his bedroom because he waits for his lil daughter. He is suffering more pain than I imagined he would. Should I visit him once?
Ted wiped his tears and said
"Okay, I am not spoiling your day. Open the gift"

I opened the gift with shivering hands
Its a coffee maker. I loves to drink coffee made my him and he still remembers that.
I said
"Thank him from my behalf"
And I took Ted's gift. Its a alarm clock.
He teased
"It's useful for my lazy sister"
I laughed a little with my runny nose.

And then I took Lauriya's gift. A white card was visible there writing
"My little chef is graduating. Hence, its for her
I touched the letters of lauriya. I asked Ted
"Is she okay?"
Ted said.
"She is under observation of doctor. But after this year, she will be completely danger free"

I still remember the day Lauriya had been diagnosed with brain tumor. Dad was constantly running with Ted from country to country for his treatment. Mom was dead by then. And Lauriya was crying too hardly not for her disease but for how can Dad afford another costly treatment?

I opened the gift and it had two bracelets and a dream catcher. The dream catcher was very cute and the bracelets were pretty.

I remember, one night when I was in second standard, I had a very bad dream and I woke up screaming. Lauriya consoled me the whole night and the next day she bought a dream catcher for me.

Seeing all the gifts, I hugged Ted very tightly. Ted hugged me with the same emotion.
We broke down when Ana screamed from the back
"Am I interfering in bro-sis moment?"
Ted said
"Of course"
"Then include me too"
And she hugged both of us from behind and we hugged her too.

Suddenly the bell rang, Ana went to open the door. That black suited Riley's man handed over the keys to Ana and said
"Inform Alaska ma'am that her car is all right. We parked it into the garage"
I screamed from the drawing
"How much did it cost?"
"Sorry ma'am, Sir forbade us to tell"
Ted said
"I must admit your to be boss is too nice"
I said
"Yeah he is!" I wish I could have said you that he is a mafia. But I need this job. If I deny this offer, I have to roam for months to get another job. And hah! Of course I will pay him for this help. Otherwise he may taunt me.

Its midnight and I am constantly trying to sleep. Ana is sleeping beside me because Ted is at my room and she is constantly talking
"Greg, no the materials shouldn't be used. Hell no, the color makes no sense. Looks very tacky"
A typical designer.
I tried to sleep in that chaos and successfully landed into the sleeping world perfectly.

I woke up early in the morning. Today Ted will flew back to Sydney so I am hurriedly making foods for him. After giving him breakfast, he went to get ready. After a while, he came to the drawing room dressing fully. He said
"Give early Alis, otherwise I will be late"
"I am coming"
I packed palvola and beef risotto very cautiously. Dad and lauriya gave me graduation gift and now its my return gift for them. I handed the packet to Ted
He said "what's here?"
"Palvola for dad and risotto for Lauriya"
"You can pack their fav food for them but you can't come with me!"
I remained silent. I have nothing to say. Seeing my silence, he hugged me and said
"I am sorry"
"Its ok Ted"
Ana came from her room and hugged Ted and said
"Ted, I will be flying in England after some months so maybe its the last time for our meeting. I will miss you"
"I will miss you too Ana but it's not our last time. Your marriage and birthdays of every children is uncountable"
We all laughed. Maybe she won't stop even after producing 10 kids.

Finally Ted bade Ana bye and I drove Ted to the airport. My eyes are full with tears when he was hugging me before going. I was supposed to stay with him but Dad didn't gave me the chance to stay and support him.
"Do call when you will reach"
"Yes sis I will but now stop crying. I will come again after my semester exams. I don't want my chef to spoil her make up"
He consoled me and went to board on flight after saying me bye.

After dropping him, I went to the shopping to buy some good dresses to wear at the interview. Otherwise, it will be embarrassing to stand before that brat to see me in cheaply dresses.
I am sure he's one of those who judge people by their clothes.

(Hey guys. There's only bro-sis moment today. But have patience, I will be soon uploading Riley-Alaska moments. So get your finger crossed and guess about the next incidents

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