Part 44

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I came into our room where Riley is getting dressed. I don't reckon he mentioned about going out today. If it's about office and meeting, I won't bother to kill him with a gun. I am a licensed gun holder now!

He noticed me with his angry sparky eyes which he showed to Emmy just some moments ago and spoke in a cold tone
"We are going out"
"You didn’t mentioned about it"
"Personally, I don't think its necessary to mention about everything to you"
That's what you have been doing to me since the beginning!

"I wanna know"

He eyed me with his red angry eyes
"We are leaving in 5 mins. Go and sit in the car"
I don't think its wise to argue especially when he's infuriated. I should follow his order.

I went to the car without any further delay. He joined me 5 mins later and started driving.

The whole city is covered in snow and lights. People are enjoying themselves according to their comfort zone. Families are roaming and lovers are waiting for their loved ones with a gift in their hands. Singles are alone and friends are partying together.

After some moments, I noticed Riley is driving fast. He is over speeding and I hate speed. It's snowing, the roads are slippery but he intends to go heaven with me early. I don't think this rude arrogant can go to heaven actually.

"Riley stop. Low down. You are breaking the speed rules"
He remained silent and the speed grew up more faster. It's really blurry and my heartbeat is growing more faster. A chill of cold is running down through my spine.

The journey has been hell for me but Riley seems unafraid and stiffened. He stoped near a cemetery. I know this place. Here lies his mom dad and sister. He must have came to pray for them.

I started to calm down a little bit and he went to the cemetery alone without saying anything to me. I slowly unbuckled the seat belt and went into the cemetery. Last time when I came here, it was covered in white orchids and crowded. But now it's completely quiet. And I can see no sign of Riley here.

I called out
"Riley, where are you?"

He called out from a direction. I went near and found out him bowing in front of a tomb. I walked near it. A writing is inscribed in the headstone-

Here lies Berry Molly Spencer

"I wish I could be with you
Even after life
But death separates us
But I hope you will be with me
Even after death
Then death could never separate us"

Marvel Lucas Spencer
Emmy Spencer
Riley Spencer
Stacy Spencer
Stem Marvel Spencer

I bowed down with Riley and prayed too. I never knew his parents, the one who gave birth to my soul partner. I prayed for Berry and my mom. They must be happy with their children's union.

I looked at Riley who was seeing the tomb with tears in his eyes.
"That thing is so beautiful!" I said while watching the lines. Riley said sniffling
"Dad told to write it here. He didn’t want death to separate them. He committed suicide after 1 month of Mom's death"

"He couldn’t bear the loss. That man is responsible for my mom's death"
"What are you saying Riley?" I watched him in horror struck.
"He shot my mom" he broke down in tears

I screamed too loudly. What does he mean by that.
"What the hell do you mean?"
"It was a mistake. He wanted to shot the enemy but my mom was too busy protecting the enemy's child and my dad couldn’t handle the target and he-"

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