Part 82

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Riley's POV

I looked at the boring glittering 6 departmental heads of my office. Head of food department which is Brezo, head of finance, head of trademark, head of marketing, head of stock record, head of IT. Personally, our relation is completely business. They are all rich and handsome but most of them are assholes except Brezo.

They all gave me a smile which completely says they are pissed off at this sudden meeting. But I need to talk with them.

"So, it's been nice seeing you again" the asshole head of marketing called out since they all expected I will be leaving this company.
"It's unexpectedly nice to hear that from you" I smirked and his face turned sour.


"So I'm gonna start now. I need to take back up actions in every department" I claimed
"It isn’t like we are gonna have financial problem now but in future surely" the head of stock exchange gave me a small smile.

I agree in my absence the stock exchange department is nothing but an empty piece of shit.
"But Mister Spencer, why do we need a back up?" the head of IT spoke out.
"That's because in the next two or three months, our company will suffer. And I don't want financial problems here. Take loans, keep back ups, do whatever you guys can but don't let this company suffer" I said in a terrible way.
"That's so unprofessional of you, Mister Spencer" Brezo spoke out and I looked into his eyes.

He is still mad at me for whatever I've done to Kiddo. I can't blame him. He is justified. He addressed me as Mr Spencer. Otherwise, it was always Riley.

"Unprofessionalism isn’t my choice" I said in a bold way.
"It is your choice. You are deliberately making the company suffer" the head of marketing tried to blame me. I can say with a fervent voice that if someone was happy about my absence, it must be this jerk. Sometimes, I wonder why do I even keep him!

"What are we gonna tell the board of directors? If we start taking action before the climax, they are gonna doubt us. There's also chances to sue us" the head of finance told us. The most intelligent kind present here.
"I'm the CEO. I will handle that. Don't worry about that" I said in a careless tone. No matter how hard I'm pretending, I'm tensed.

"Okay fine, tell us the sole reason" the head of trademark told me
"I can't let you know now. You are gonna hear by the end of sun. Buy as stocks as you can. Take loans, keep the records safely and start pressuring the profitable restaurants. We need as money as possible. Do what I say. I need everything clear by today"
I stood up with my coat keeping all of the gentlemen in their dry faces. It's hard to arrange all in a day but it's not impossible. I'm gonna make my move after clearing everything.

Alaska's POV

"I do have a certain question" I told digging my fork into the spaghetti.
"You can tell us" Kylie beamed
"Yeah sure" Katie replied while playing with Finnie. Layken looked at me quietly.
"I need a job badly. But, I need to babysit Finnie and it's not possible. She is so tiny and-" I stopped by the interruption of Katie.
"Alis, don't seriously consider leaving her in day care centre. She is just days older"

I stopped. She is just days older.

"We will babysit Finnie in shifts" Layken said
"Wait, what? No-" I tried to deny.
"Alis, come one. She is our part" Kylie said with compassionate in her eyes.
"But, you guys do have work!" I protested
"I mentioned shifts earlier" Layken told again.
"Yeah in the morning, it's gonna be Alis and us. And in her absence, it's gonna be Layken" Kylie said excitedly
"That would make things around" I told slowly
"That will make things easier for you" Katie said.
"So it's sorted now" Layken clapped and screamed.

I couldn’t help but look at the three with affection. They are so close to me. I wish I could hold them in my arms forever. I didn’t tell Katie or Kylie about Riley, that he showed up. I feel I should but things are already so complicated.

I kept Finnie at the bed after breastfeeding her and kissed on her red cheeks several times. She is so adorable. Kylie and Katie are gone. Layken again burst out in my room with a phone in her hand. This time she looks like she has seen hell breaking down on Earth. She deliberately handed me her phone and my hands froze by the screen.

I listened with my shaky voice.
"And then Marshall kicked her on her belly, my Alis screamed harder than she could. It was so painful-" he stopped and buried his face into a tissue paper. Emmy in his parallel chair patted his back. I can't believe he called out a press conference to make everything clear. I remember what he said in this very morning

"I know what to do" his voice echoed in my head. Just because, I told him that everyone is blaming me, he decided to clear the milk.

He managed himself and cleared this throat.
"We could hear gunshots. And Marshall send all of his bodyguards there. Just in the right time, Alis defensed her and attacked Marshall. We took guns with us so when the guards came back, we defended ourselves. My Alis covered in blood ran across to get our daughter-" Riley again drowned in tears but this time, he managed to held himself.

He stopped for a second looking into a certain direction and said
"Her name is Finnie" Riley replied. Maybe, a reporter asked him out.
"And when we got out, everything was over. Eve was dead. Alis, Finnie or Stem were nowhere to be seen. Cops were here-" Riley stopped and wiped his eyes with his hands.

"I will never able to repay Eve. She did so much for my daughter and wife. I decided to bury her in my family cemetery but her brother wanted her to bury in their own homeland. And she is lying there peacefully. I told this all of the thing so that I would just be a corner of Alaska's forgiveness. I know I'm wrong but don't I deserve a chance? For the Alis, what I have done so far, is now out of my reach" Riley stopped and again broke down. I saw Stacy came in the screen and took him inside. There’s no one in the table except Emmy. He spoke out
"Sorry he can't say anymore. He is miserable. I hope Alis will eventually know how helpless he was while doing this and eventually forgive him. Goodbye" Emmy too got out and the video stopped.

"It went viral and now the talk of the town. They released it 2 hours ago" Layken said.

I watched her silent expression with a blank head.

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