Part 1

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"Come on Ana, Get up" I yelled
"Its just 7 in the morning" she replied in a sleepy tone.
"Give me some company!"
"Can you please tell me that what do you think of me? Do I seem a morning bird? I slept at 3. And 4 hours later you are waking me up to give you some companies because you are nervous about what will happen today! Come on Alis, get some beauty sleep and help me to get it too."
"I can't get any beauty sleep, you know I'm nervous"
Hearing no response from Ana, my roommate for 4 years, I finally understood that she got into sleep again.

I can't be like this. Restless and waiting. I have to get some fresh looks. I gazed into the window. Soft shines filled the roads of Texas, soft shines of morning. It fills my soul with warmth.

I went to the kitchen to feed my stomach. Opening the fridge, a garbage of food fell into my legs
"Ugh Ana, it's gross" I grudged

Ana is a party freak. In every weekends she invites her some random assholes friend. After every party, I'm the one to clean the whole house as my party freak roommate takes time to sober and her junkie friends always creates a mess leaving the house. The full apartment smells like a vomit volcano.

I quickly cleaned the mess and shove some pancakes which I made the day before yesterday for Harry, Ana's boyfriend, but last night they broke up so I enjoyed my happy meal.

I need to look perfect today. Its the day I have been preparing for. I have to take a hot shower and wear that lucky dress with a soft make up.

After taking a hot shower, I looked into the mirror of my washroom. A blondie of black eye with fair skin tone, wrapped in white towel, wet hair spreading into all her chest and shoulders, is looking at her. Both murmured "Alis, be confident. Today you need to show your best. Remember, from where you started". I have to be confident today because today is going to be one of the best day and probably last. I have remembered all necessary things. Now, I need to utilize them.

I will choose my lucky dress today. Opening the cupboard, I gazed the space and took the yellowish frock in which white pearls have been printed. This dress had been gifted by my younger brother Ted and it has been working like a lucky charm for me. The first time when I wore it, I got scholarship and luckily I left my two scheduled hectic job for my living. And the last time, I wore it, Pique and Shakira broke up. I never shipped them together. So I consider it lucky.

I soaked my hair and wore that lucky dress.
Now what shall I do to my hair?Lemme tie a bun. No, lemme open it. I think its better to tie a braid. Being clueless for 10 mins, I finally decided to keep my hairs open. After a light make up, I sat on the couch taking my phone. I dialed Ted's number.

Ted picked the phone
"Hello sissy"
"Hello Ted, busy this week?"
"I thought the reverse"
"I wasn't. After all, you know your sister, how much pre preparator she is!"
"Hell I know Alis. A cooking freak" he teased me.
I also teased him
"Baseball freak"
Ted has been baseball freak since childhood.

After a small break he said slowly with a deep breathe
"Lauriya misses you"
Lauriya! I am a little bit astonished. But still I managed to say
"Lauriya, do I even exist for her?"
I instantly regret the sentence. Lauriya had been my best friend more than my own sister. She was so supportive untill the incident that almost ended my ties with them.
"She never told me but I know. Being an elder sister, she always cares about us"
"Ok" I said just ok. That's it!
After a break he began "I told her about your test.
I asked hesitantly,
"what did she said?"
"She wished you luck"
That's a decent gesture!

A flash of that night glaced to my eyes and inner me drowned in sadness for a jiff.
"I might hang now. Call you later"
"Love you Ted" I said slowly
"Love you too, Alis"
Ted hanged up the phone. Do Lauriya miss me truly? After I was forced to move from Sydney to Texas, nothing remained same. Ted arranged and helped me in many steps of my life and I am thankful for that. He is the only known family I believe to exist! Others are dead for me.

I heard the noise of something moving. Ana must have woke up. Noises are coming from kitchen. I entered into the kitchen and she said
"You look beautiful."
"Thank you Ana"
"I am making some sandwiches. Do you want one?"
"Yes, I don't wanna lose a single calorie today" Ana laughed at my comment
"Learn to make sandwiches like me. Who's gonna feed you when I'm gonna shift?"
Ana is moving to England in 3 months for her some designing classes and to upgrade her skills . She had been so close to me. I will surely miss her.

Shoving sandwiches into the mouth made by Ana, I said
"an yoi as salf"
"I can't understand a damn single thing"
After chewing properly I complained
"Ana, you could have sliced the tomato properly, and you could have add more salt and you could have made the shape of bread more better and there's-" she stopped me in the mid way
"Alis, you are unbelievable. You never praised me for anything I cooked. None can impress you" She said angrily.
"You need to be perfect in what you do"
"Come, lemme show you my design skills. I didn't attend cooking schools okay. You did. And you are on a way to be a chef. And I'm on my way to be an interior designer. So don't you dare say my cooking to be imperfect. I can bet if I hand over a pencil to you, you would surely draw a dog out of an egg"

Okay, that was mean! But, I started it. Whatever!

Finally at 10 am I bade Ana bye,hugged her, got myself in my car, tied the seatbelt, already entered the location in the GPS and started driving. The way is about 15 mins but I started driving fastly because I don't wanna take any kind of risk. After 5 minutes, I found myself sitting in my car thinking nothing to do rather than seating. I should have driven a little bit slow.

I finally got out of my car and entered into the building which I used to enter every day of 3 years. But today is nothing like every day. Today is the last test to become a chef.

'Chef' a title for which I have waited for 3 years, a title that cost me everything, a title that stole the sleep from my eyes, a title for which I lived for, a title for which I was born for.

Today is the final exam. If I pass, I will be given a certificate to earn a living. Right now, I'm feeling both nervous and excitement. I don't  know the flow of future.

(I hope you all might like the story. As I am not a professional writer so there can be mistakes but read it. #RileyAlaska)

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