Chapter Thirty Nine

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"Ready or not, here I come!"

His voice had somehow managed to reach her from where he stood in the entrance room. Alois must have yelled to make sure she knew her one minute was up. Briefly Y/n wondered where Yuma was hidden but then she pushed the thought away.

He was most likely walking freely amount the halls, evading the young lords butler before he was found. Yuma would most likely rather give her a tasteless dress then be caught dead hiding in a cupboard or closet.

Perhaps she was still childish then?
Y/n was finding this rather enjoyable so far.

Her thoughts were brought to a stop when she heard the faint click of shoes in the hallway. She silenced her breathing and listened closely to the sound. The steps grew louder then faded as they passed the door.

Y/n smirked. She quietly moved from her spot, slipping off her heals so she won't make a sound. Another thing Yuma will end up scolding her for.

She quickly left the closet, her stockings cushioning her feet and muffling any sounds that were made. Y/n peeked out the door, making sure neither seekers were in sight or in hearing range before she left the room, closing the door all the way this time.

She had at least five more minutes before time runs out and she wins. It would maybe take one minute to reach Alois' room, he is right down the hall from her. Maybe she should take a tiny detour to waste some time? But then again she runs the chance of bumping into Alois.

Y/n focused on hiding her presence as she slowly and quietly made her way to Alois' room. It wasn't good to be out in the open for to long. He could pop around the corner and spot her. She had some doubt that would happen though, she couldn't hear any footsteps.

Four minutes.

Why did time go so painfully slow in a moment of suspense? Y/n let out a soft sigh. Looking up she saw the door to his room. Was it weird she knew it was his door even though all the doors look the same? Probably not..

Y/n reached for the handle, quietly slipping into the room. Three minutes.

"Hello darling! I was starting to worry that I predicted wrong," Y/n froze as she heard a certain blond male giggle happily. "Also I told Claude to find Yuma and tell him he doesn't have to particpate! I assume they're unloading your luggage."

Y/n peered over her shoulder to see the eccentric Earl seated on his bed. He grinned at her.

"I believe this is game, love."

She turned to face him, arms crossed under her bust. "Were you waiting in here the whole game?"

"Yup! I knew you only know a small amount of the rooms well enough to know of great hiding spots, my room included! So I went here and waited."

Y/n walked over to Alois and stopped in front of him, a slight pout on her lips. "I'm not sure if that should be considered cheating or not."

"Strategy is not cheating my love." Alois looked up at her, a change since Y/n was the one who normally had to look up at him. "You look adorable pouting by the way."

"I'm not pouting."

"Yes you are!" Alois laughed at Y/n's quick denial, standing up from his spot on the bed. Y/n had to tilt her head back to lookup at the Earl due to their close proximity.

"Why do I feel like we've had this argument before?" Y/n asked, her lips quirking up into a smirk. Alois gave her a wolfish grin, taking her hand in his.

"Because we have darling, many times before." He placed his free hand on her waist, leading her into an unexpected waltz.

They glided around the room, miraculously avoiding objects as they stated deeply into each other's eyes. Y/n noted how happy Alois looked as he lead her in the dance. His smile seemed to brighten the room.

Unbeknownst to her, Alois was thinking the same thing about her smile.

"Thank you," Alois whispered softly, still staring deeply in Y/n's eyes.

"What for?" She questioned, raising a brow when Alois just smiled at her in reply. Y/n rolled her eyes, her smile coming back once more.

"You're such a dork."

Wow, it's been a minute. I could not figure out how this chapter should go so sorry for the wait! Hope you enjoyed anyways and I'll see you in the next chapter!


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