Chapter Five

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Two days flew by in the blink of an eye. (Y/n) sighed as she looked down at her outfit again. She wore the dress Yuma picked out for her along with a black chocker, an aqua hair clip that pinned back her bangs, black pumps, and of course her amethyst ring.

(Y/n) glanced at Yuma (who sat across from her in the carriage) then looked out her window, seeing a large mansion come into view.

"No need to be nervous Young Mistress."

The statement made (Y/n)s head snap in the direction of her smirking butler. She scowled. "I'm not nervous." She stated, annoyed with how easily her Butler had pinpointed her true emotions.

Yuma mearly gave her a closed eye smile. Before she could yell at him to wipe that bloody smile off his face- the carriage had stoped, and the door was being held open by a tall Butler. His golden eyes (or maybe it was the reflection of the sun hitting his glasses that made it look that way) stared at her as he held out his hand.

"Welcome to the Trancy Estate." His voice sent chills up her spine, but she took his hand, accepting his offer on helping her down. Yuma stepped out after her, keeping a close watch on the golden eyed Butler.

"My Highness has been waiting for your arrival, My Lady. Let me show you to him," With that he turned and starting walking, (Y/n) and Yuma quickly following.

(Y/n) sent Yuma a look and he nodded. An unspoken request. One his Lady would give him all the time. It was rare for her to ever voice this request, simply because she didn't want to come off as childish.

Stay close to me.

(Y/n) looked around and realized she was being led to the Estate garden. Looking around she spotted a head of blond hair. While they made their way over there (Y/n) took her time to take in the setting.

The round table sat next to (f/f)s. A purple cloth was covering the table, adding to the beautiful decor. The two chairs were simple, the cushions being the same shade of purple as the table cloth.

All types of food was set out on the table. To name a few there was sandwiches (that were cut in neat triangles), scones, macaroons, tarts, fruits (are those strawberries?). Honestly there were a variety of choices.

Once they got closer Alois' head snapped in their direction and a bright smile appeared on his face. He had been looking at the (f/f)s before.

He met them half way and took (Y/n)s hand, kissing her knuckles gently. Standing up straight again Alois led her over to the table, the smile never leaving his face.

"It is wonderful to see you again Lady (Y/n)." He said, pulling out her chair. She gave him a false smile as she sat down in the chair, Alois tucking it in as she did. Yuma quickly took his place behind her.

"Its nice to see you too, My Lord." (Y/n) said as Alois sat down in the chair across from her. "Oh please, call me Alois." Alois huffed and waved his hand in a dismissing manor, flashing her a smile.

"Alright then, Lord Alois." Alois' eyes narrowed. "No, just Alois." He practically commanded. (Y/n)s eyes widened a bit. His mood had just done a complete 360. When she nodded his smile was back.

He must be bipolar. She thought.

"Anyway, you must be hungry. Eat anything you like!" (Y/n) eyed him as his butler (whom she still doesn't know the name of) poured tea into their cups, steam emitting from the hot liquid.

"I think I'll take you up on that offer." She said. Alois smiles as he watched her take a sliced strawberry, popping it into her mouth.

"So you like strawberries?" He questions immediately, watching her with a child like fascination. (Y/n) meets his eyes and nods. "Then you should try the tart!" Alois exclaims happily, holding out a mini
strawberry tart to her. (Y/n)s eyes widened when she saw the tart, her eyes seeming to sparkle.

Yuma smiles softly. His mistress may have a serious demeanor around others but every once in a while her child like nature would slip through. Though, he had never seen it slip out in front of anyone other than himself.

(Y/n) took the tart from Alois and took a bite. Alois rested his elbow on the table, leaning his cheek on his palm, watching her enjoy the treat. "So Lady (Y/n), tell me about yourself." He said.

She finished the tart, licking her lips to rid of any remains. "What would you like me to tell?" (Y/n) asked taking a sip of the Tea that had been poured for her. "Anything! Your favorite color, things you do in your free time, anything!"

"Well I don't really have a favorite color, but I suppose if I had to choose it would be grey. As for things I do in my free time," (Y/n) paused, thinking for a moment before she answered. "I enjoy reading and playing the piano."

Alois stares at her, expecting her to say more. When She didn't continue he frowned. "That's it?" He questioned. She shrugged. "I'm not that interesting of a person." She said.

"Alright then, tell me about your family."

"My family? Well I live with My father in the Estate. I also have an annoying cousin who loves to visit me every few weeks or so." Alois smiles hearing her open up.

"What about your mother?"

There was silence after the question. (Y/n) just stared at him, not answering. Slowly her gaze lowered to the tea, eyes turning dull. "Some things are not appropriate to discuss in this time nor setting."

Alois frowned. Just when she had started to open up. Now things are going to get awkward and he did not want that.

"Alright, how about a game then?"

Finally (Y/n) met Alois' gaze. The cerulean eyes that she just couldn't seem to get enough of. They hide so much secrets, pain, sarrow. Eyes much like her own.

Her face stayed neutral but her eyes were twinkling with happiness. A smile not from her mouth, but her eyes.

A step closer to seeing her true smile.

"A game? Like chess?" She questioned. Alois laughed.

"No, I'm no good at chess. You'd beat me in less than a minute. I was thinking more along the lines of hide-and-seek."

(Y/n) shook her head, baffled. She leaned back, her arms crossing over her chest. Though there was a twinkle in her eye as she spoke.

"I'm not to keen on that. You know the terrain way better than I do, so you'd be at an automatic advantage, so I'd hardly call it a fair match."

Alois pouted. But the pout was soon replaced with a smile. "Well then M'Lady," he says, standing from his seat. In two single strides he was in front of her, holding out his hand.

"May I have this dance?"

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