Chapter Seventy Two

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Yuma clicked his tongue, examining the venue his master and mistress have decided on for the wedding.

Workers roamed about, making sure the place was in tip top shape. After all, everything had to be perfect for the wedding that was to take place in just a few days.

Hannah stood at his side, answering any questions workers had, looking down at the clipboard in her grasp every so often.

The two had been placed in charge of making sure the venue was ready. Claude was ordered by Alois to be in charge of invitations and the triplets were the ones taking care of the food.

Of course they each had much more to do, but as of right now these were their most important jobs.

Yuma smirked and leaned over Hannah's shoulder, slightly glaring at the blushing human standing in front of her.

The man paled.

"The tapestry placement over the Atler is wrong, that needs to be fixed by tomorrow," Hannah explained in her smooth voice, trying not to be distracted by Yuma's close proximity.

The man nodded, taking the criticism before running off, not being able to handle Yuma's glare any longer.

Hannah blushed as a soft chuckle rumbled from behind her.

"I must say," Yuma purred, slipping an arm around Hannah's waist and turning her to face him, "You're a lot more detail oriented than I first thought."

Hannah tilted her head back so that she could look the butler in his eye.

"Well, someone has to keep up with you."

Yuma's smirked widened into a grin and his gaze slowly trailed down, lingering on her lips before he looked back up at her.

"And so you decided that someone would be you?"

Hannah merely smiled softly and slipped from his grip. She hummed and turned away, her hips swaying as she walked.

That night, Alois gasped, jumping up out of his sleep.

He panted, gulping down air be desperate needed. His gaze shifted to the sleeping maiden beside him.

Alois exhaled slowly, reaching up and wiping at his face. He frowned when wetness greeted his hands. He hadn't realised he'd been crying.

Alois shuddered when he felt an odd breeze, as if some invisible force was caressing him.

"Whats wrong Alois?" Y/n mumbled sleepily, opening her eyes slightly.

Alois looked down at her, feeling that same invisible force dry his tears.

His heart swelled with love. Y/n wasn't even fully awake and yet his loves power was tending to him.

"I..." Alois cringed when he heard his voice crack. Y/n sat up, hearing it too.

"Alois.." Y/n cupped his cheek, bringing his trembling lips to meet her own. Alois broke, sobbing as he kissed his lover.

It took a while for Alois to calm down, to be able to breathe properly. Y/n waited patiently though, stroking his hair and kissing him through his sobs every so often.

"I had a nightmare.." Alois murmured, swallowing the lump in his throat. Y/n said nothing, knowing he wasn't finished.

"I was back in the village.. and Luka was there..." His breathing hitched and Y/n immediately soothed him, patiently waiting for him to continue.

"He.. he was older... but still in that position.." Alois began shaking but pushed through it, "he got up and held out his hand, smiling. I thought he meant the hand for me, as some form of forgiveness maybe. But then you appeared," tears dripped off Alois' chin, "and you took his outstretched hand. I didn't hear what was said, only saw how you and Luka disappeared."

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