Chapter Forty Seven

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"Father," Y/n greeted, entering her father's study. Yuma trailed in behind her. "I have important news."

Emmit looked up, giving his daughter his full attention. Y/n paused and took him in. He looked different. She couldn't explain what changed but something definitely had. Something that concerned her.

"I have chosen a husband."

"Who is this husband? I hope it's not some random commoner." Y/n scowled, any concern she had for her father vanishing.

"Of course not. He's a Lord. His name is Alois Trancy, I'm sure you've heard of him."

Emmit leaned back in his chair, staring at her with cold eyes.

"I have, he'll make a fine husband."

Perfect. She had his approval. Y/n turned to leave, Yuma opening the door for her.

"I didn't dismiss you," Emmit grunted.

"You didn't need to. As of now I am no longer a resident of this Estate," Y/n turned around and smirked at her father. "I'll be a Trancy soon, it's only proper that I move in with my fiance."

Emmit narrowed his eyes on his daughter. This attitude was starting to piss him off. Just because she had finally chosen a husband didn't mean that she was no longer a part of his family.

"You're still my daughter."

"Yes, that I am. But I am not the successor to your fortune, Estate, or your business for that matter. You have given it all to my future husband. So sorry if I don't exactly care to hear what else you have to say to me."

With that Y/n left her father's office, not looking back. She met with the triplets at the entrance. Alois had sent them to help pack everything she wanted to bring.

Emmit stared out the window, watching as Y/n got into a carriage and left. It was probably for the best that his daughter wanted nothing to do with him. After all, that damn guard dog was closing in on him. So yes, it would be best for his daughter to stay away from him. No matter how much it hurt his heart to know that his only daughter hated him.


"Y/n!" Alois stood up from his seat, abandoning the paperwork he has yet to finish. He ran over to the smaller maiden, wrapping his arms around her waist in a loving hug. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

"How was the meeting darling? Any troubles? Please don't tell me he doesn't approve of us marrying! I can't live without you! I need you!"

Y/n smiled softly at his mood swing. Alois can be so dramatic.

"Of course he approved. How is the paperwork going?"

Alois frowned and hugged her tighter.

"Why don't you ever tell me what's bothering you? I know you don't like talking about your father but I would have an easier time comforting you if I knew the problem."

Y/n's eyes widened and she looked up at the blond Lord. He looked hurt. A twinge of guilt tugged aggressively at her heart. The only reason she didn't like talking to Alois about her father was because her powers tended to take advantage of her when she was angry.

Y/n looked down at the floor, no longer being able to handle the pain in his eyes.

"Nothing is really bothering me, I just, I hate talking to my father. When I told him I had chosen a husband he had said I better not have chosen some commoner. Honestly! He was the one pushing me to find a husband then he says something like that! If I wanted to piss him off I wouldn't have found a husband in the first place!"

Alois gripped Y/n's shoulders, realising that she was angry. A rare sight. Y/n looked up at met his icy blue gaze, that widened at the sight of her eyes.

Her eyes. They were completely grey with no sight of her original (e/c) color. He didn't even take notice of his office papers that flew off his desk and on to the floor.

"Love, calm down. It'll be alright." Alois cupped her cheek, gazing into her changed color orbs. Slowly the grey color faded back into tiny specks in her eyes. Y/n leaned into his hand, breathing deeply.

Neither noticed Yuma walking in, giving them a quick glance, then cleaning up the mess Y/n's power had made. It didn't take him long to figure out that Alois had pried something out of his Mistress that upset her enough for her powers to slip out.

"I'm sorry I pushed you to talk to me, I was just upset because I thought that you didn't trust me with your problems.."

Y/n's (e/c) speckled grey eyes softened. She placed her hands over his.

"Of course I trust you Alois, I just don't like talking about him. So can you please not ask me about him again?"

Alois nodded, leaning down and rubbing his nose against hers.

"Whatever you wish, my love."

Hey! Hope you guys enjoyed the update. Comment, vote and I'll see you in the next chapter!


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