Chapter Fifteen

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Before you read I would like to remind you that this story doesn't go off of what actually happened in the anime or manga. This means that these events didn't actually happen and events that did happen in the anime may be irrelevant to the plot that I have chosen for this story. Sorry if you don't like that.

"Oh... This place again."

Y/n sat in the center of a clearing that had beautiful wild flowers growing at almost everywhere she looked.

It wasn't very often when she got to visit this place in her slumber, but when she did it was either the best or worst dream she had ever experienced. But she wondered what could have triggered this dream.

This was a place of memories, her memories but also other peoples memories that she has met in her life time. If these memories were true or not was a whole other question. But she had a feeling that what she saw here was the truth.

Which is why she was feeling dread the moment she saw Alois, only he was a few year's younger, maybe fifteen?

He sat in the grass, staring blankly off into the distance. The scenery slowly started to wrinkle and ripple, changing all together. Y/n looked around and saw that she now stood in a forest. Her gaze quickly returned to Alois.

His icy blue eyes were dull, void of any emotion. He seemed to since that he was being watched, which was a first. He slowly stood up and looked around.

"Are you here to kill me?" He asked, still looking around.

"Please," Alois mumbled, "I don't want to be here anymore."

Y/n's eyes widened. He looked so broken, and she could tell his words were genuine.

"Alois.." She whispered softly.

Alois gaze landed directly on her. Had he heard her? Could he see her?

But that was impossible. This was just a memory, something that has already come to pass, she cannot interfere with that. She has always been a silent spectator in these dreams, memories, whatever they were.

"You're one of the prettiest demons I've had the privilege to see." He gave her a broken smile, no joy coming from the expression.

He thought she was a demon?

"You've met other demons?" Y/n found herself asking.

"I've met enough. Are you here to kill me?"


"Then leave!! All you demons are worthless scums! You, Hannah, those blasted triplets, even Claude! I just want to die and now I can't even do that because of Ciel! My wish will never be granted just cause of that bastard! It's all his fault!"

Alois collapsed to his knees, a sob racking in the back of his throat.

"I just want to leave this horrid place..."

Y/n took a step forward and the scenery rippled once more.

"No," she reached forward towards the male, "Alois!"

Y/n gasped and sat up, shaking. She quickly looked around, the dream very slowly slipping away.

'Where's Yuma?'

Alois shifted in his sleep, his arm was draped over her waist. He looked so comfortable. He didn't look anything like the Alois in her dream, the Alois that she was slowly beginning to forget.

Y/n looked out the window. The thunder storm had calmed but it was still raining.

"What's wrong?"

Y/n flinched and looked down to see Alois staring up at her. His eyes were droopy and she could tell he was still half asleep.


Alois frowned and tiredly reached up, swiping his thumb under her eye. He pulled it back so she could see the tear that he caught.

"You're lying. Tell me the truth."

"I just need to speak with Yuma."

"And that makes you cry?"

Y/n didn't say anything. They just stared at each other for a few moments before Y/n uncovered herself and stood.

"It's important," She said quietly, as she left the room.

She walked down the hall, trusting her intuition to lead her to Yuma. She has always been able to find him whenever she needed him, or he would randomly pop up.

As she made her way down the hallway, the dream starting to rapidly slip away from her, disappearing into the catacombs of all of the forgotten dreams.

Y/n knocked on the door and it immediately opened, showing Yuma.


Y/n just nudged past him and sat on the bed. "I had another one of those dreams," she whispered quietly. "I woke up remembering everything but now I can hardly recall anything. I'm so confused."

Yuma walked over and kneeled in front of the young maiden. He gently took both of her hands. "Close your eyes."

Once she did so, Yuma's eyes turned to a deep shade of grey. "Search deep into youeself, try to recall whose memory you had visited."

Y/n's brow furrowed as she slowly seeked for the answer to his question. "Alois.." She finally whispered softly.

"Now why are you confused?" Yuma gently asked.

Y/n let out a shaky breath. "He," she gasped. Yuma's grip on her hand tightened, keeping her grounded. "He saw me, and he could hear me."

Yuma frowned. "What did he say to you?"

"He asked if I had come to kill him. I don't understand," Y/n's words had started to come out a bit faster, "I thought it was a memory. He isn't supposed to interact with me!"

"Calm down Mistress, open your eyes." Yuma commanded.

"He called me a demon," she continued, refusing to open her eyes. "He said Ciel was the reason he can't die."

Yuma's frown deepened. He needed her to open her eyes but he can't forcefully pull her out of the dream. Yuma quickly evaluated his options and decided the safest was to walk her through it.

"Did he say anything else that confused you?" He questioned gently.

"He said something about his wish never being granted. And he said something else," Y/n paused, "what was it?"

Y/n's eyes flew open. Her breathing was ragged and her eyes were glazed.

"There you go Mistress, you're alright." Yuma smiled softly, his eyes once more burgundy.

"I believe all of your feelings are interfering with the dreams, that your imagination mixed with the past and that is why the young Lord was able to talk to and see you."

Y/n nodded, hands shaking in his grip. "How are you so experienced when it comes to my dreams?"

Yuma stood from his kneeling position and let go of her hands.

"Lady Avery had dreams like this as well and she often needed help  remembering what she had seen." Yuma explained.

"Lets get you back to bed now, it's still dark out."

Y/n nodded and stood. "Thank you." She whispered. Yuma smiled once more.

"Its not a problem at all Mistress."

He opened the door and Y/n walked out going back towards her temporary room. She quietly opened the door and closed it. She frowned slightly when she saw that Alois was no longer in the bed.

Sighing, she told herself to not be so disappointed and made her way over to the bed. She crawled under the covers and let her exhaustion take over.

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