Chapter Forty Three

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Commence day five of Alois' best birthday presents in the history of birthdays!

"Come on darling! We're going to have a race today!"

"A race?" Y/n tilted her head, staring at the blond Lord. Now she knew why Yuma had made her wear her riding gear today. Alois must have told Yuma about his plans.

Alois nodded his head eagerly, guiding Y/n gently by the hand. When they made it outside the manor Y/n immediately took notice of the two beautiful stallions.

The pair walked over to the horses.
Y/n grabbed hold of the reins and gently stroked the horses muzzle.

"Do you have a name for him?"

Alois glanced at her, feeding his selected horse a sugar cube he pulled from his pocket.

"Ah, that's Gadget."

"Interesting name." Y/n smirked at him. "Any specific reason you named him that?"

Alois shrugged at her question, not having a answer. He had honestly just named him the first name to pop in his head. Stroking the stallions neck Alois told her the name of the horse he would be riding.

"This one's name is Illusion."

Y/n nodded and mounted Gadget. She glanced down at the older male and motioned for him to do the same. He grinned up at her and followed her lead, mounting Illusion.

"Just follow the dirt path that laps around the manor!" Alois instructed, pulling on his riding gloves. He gripped the riens and smirked at Y/n when she nodded.

"On my mark!"

"Get set.." Y/n leaned forward and gripped the reins as well, preparing to give Gadget the signal to take off.


Y/n laughed, already in the lead. She loved how free she felt when riding a horse. Alois grinned when be heard the delightful sound of her laughter. Alois urged Illision to go faster and soon the racing couple was neck in neck.

"How did my dust taste Alois?! You were back there for a while!" Y/n taunted, having to yell so that she could be heard over the wind. A smirk pulled at the corner of her lip.

"I have no idea what you're talking about!" Alois smirked back, gaining the lead. Y/n shook her head and quickly caught up with him.

"So what do I get when I win?!" Y/n called, guiding the horse along the dirt path. Alois glanced at her, the smirk never leaving his face.

"Dunno! But I want us to cuddle when I win!"

"If you win!" Y/n laughed, trusting Gadget to carry her to victory.

"When I win I want you to buy me some new books! I've read most of your interesting books already!"

"Deal!" Alois flashed her a wolfish grin, absolutely set on winning this race. Nothing would come in between him and his prize!

Except maybe ber winning, Alois growled. Y/n had pulled ahead of him, taking the lead once more.

The race was neck and neck, both riders and stallions being evenly matched. Both determined to win.

"Yes!" Alois shoved his fist in the air triumphantly. He had barely managed to pass Y/n at the last second, earning the victory.

"That was totally my win!" Y/n huffed and crossed her arms under her bust, unintentionally pushing them up and making them appear bigger. She didn't notice a smug Yuma grab Gadget's riens until he spoke.

"Sorry to disappoint Mistress, but Master Alois definitely won the race."

Alois had already dismounted Illusion, ready to claim his prize.

"Come on my love! It's chilly out here and I know just the perfect way to warm up! Yuma, bring the horses to the stables."

Yuma smiled at the blond lord and vowed his head, holding Gadget steady as his mistress dismounted.

"As you wish, my Lord."

A small pout rested on Y/n's lips, she had really wanted new books. The pout was wiped from her face when Alois lifted her up and tossed her over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes. She gasped and clutched the back of his cloak.


Alois cackled and ignored her surprised, with a tint of annoyance in her voice, call. He marched towards the mansion, carrying her with ease. His strength surprised Y/n, he didn't seem like the type to carry someone her size with ease. Granted, she hasn't properly seen his physique yet. For all she knew he could have some muscles underneath the layers of clothes.

"Put me down!"

"Oh, Hannah!" Alois called when he spotted the lavender haired maid, once again ignoring Y/n's demands. "Make some tea and bring it to the study!"

With that Alois carried on with his journey, Hannah looking on in surprise. A small smile spread across her face and she quickly scurried off to the kitchen. Those two will make a wonderful couple...

When they finally made it to Alois' study he gently (not so gently) plopped Y/n down on the couch. He happily crawled on top of her, snuggling his face into her stomach and wrapped his arms loosely around her waist.

Y/n sighed and shook her head, wrapping one of her legs over his upper back to get comfortable.

"What a childish prize," she mumbled, affectionately running her fingers through Alois' blond locks. He mumbled something into her stomach and Y/n giggled at the feeling.

She stared down at the lord, deciding she didn't mind such a childish prize. It suited him. And although she would never admit it out loud, Y/n liked the feeling of being held.

Reaching behind her head, Y/n picked up the book she was reading earlier that morning while she kept Alois company. Opening it to the page she left off, Y/n read. Her free hand never ceasing its movement through Alois' hair.

It was a peaceful moment. Neither couple noticing when Hannah slipped into the room with the tea they wanted or when she slipped back out.

"Y/n.." Alois broke the peaceful silence with an audible mumble.

"Hmm?" There was a short silence after her hum. Y/n lifted her book so that she could look down at the older male. He shoved his face deeper into her stomach, as if he sensed her gaze.


Y/n rose an eyebrow and went back to reading her book, wondering what Alois had wanted. Whatever, if it was really important he will tell her when he was ready.

Helloooo my lovely, beautiful readers! Thank you to those who suggested date ideas! Please don't be upset if I don't use your idea! I will most likely end up using them at a later time for inspiration when I'm going through a writer's block lol. Hope you enjoyed this update! One more date then it's the big day! See you in the next update!


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