Chapter Seven

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It has been three days since the tea date.

Two days since her father had found out about it.

For two days she has been going through a living nightmare.

For two whole days her father would not stop pressuring her to answer questions she did not want to answer.

For two whole days she hasn't left her room just to avoid having an encounter with her ever persistent father.

It has been one day since she received another invite to a ball. This particular ball was to be hosted by none other then Alois Trancy.

He had set the date to September 12th, which is only a week or so away. Eight days to be precise.

Luckily her father would not be able to attend this ball, much to his dismay and her joy.

He was to be gone on a two week long business trip, checking up on how the trades are going and the like. She didn't really care to learn of what he was actually doing.

Once, when her father was teaching her of their company and she had mentioned this fact he had just gave her a pointed look and had said, "If you would just find a husband you wouldn't have to be worried about this, for he would be the one taking over the business," and then continued on with the lesson.

That is the reason why she never brought the topic back up.

Her father was actually due to leave today, which is why she stood in the entry hall with Yuma at her side. Like the good daughter she supposedly was, she was waiting for her father to come down and bid him farewell.

Yuma glanced down at his Mistress who had a small frown on her face. Before he could make some snarky comment on it, Emmit Carter walked down the great stairwell.

Emmit walked over to his daughter with a bright smile that made shivers run up Y/n's spine.

"Take good care of the mannor while I'm away. I expect it to be in the same shape as I left it in when I'm back." Emmit instructed. Y/n suppressed the urge to roll her eyes.

"Yes father." The word rolled off her tongue blandly, showing no emotion in her voice.

Emmit glanced at Yuma with hard eyes then looked at his watch. "Well I'm off then. Don't want to be late."

With that said Emmit turned on his heel and walked out of the mansion, a maid shutting the door and following out behind him.

Y/n walked over to the window that overlooked the entirety of the lot. She watched as her father got into the carriage, his personal maid with him.

A whip of the reins had the carriage moving at a steady pace. She watched the carriage move down the dirt path. She watched as the carriage was submerged into the trees. And once she couldn't see the carriage anymore she smiled.

He's gone. Gone. And will be gone for weeks. Good riddance.

She turned to Yuma with a sparkle in her eyes that only ever appeared when he father was gone. Yuma couldn't help but smile at his Mistress happiness.

"Tell one of the maids to prepare our horses, we're going for a ride."

Yuma bowed at her words. "Yes Mistress." He stood up straight. "Will you need help getting into your riding clothes?" He questions.

Y/n shook her head. "No, but I will need help with my hair." With that she turned and made he way up the stairs, leaving Yuma to go find a maid.

When she came to the split in the stairwell she made a left into the west wing. She walked down the corridors that were dimly lit with candles, not paying much attention to which way she turned but knew exactly where she was going.

Walking into her room she went straight to her closet. She quickly stripped out of her god awful gown, leaving her in just her corset and lacy panties.

She put on her khacki riding pants, along with a fitting, white shirt. Grabbing her boots she walked back out into her room and sat on her bed.

Y/n attempted to put on her boot only to grunt in frustration.

How does this thing work?, She thought bitterly to herself. After a few more failed attempts of getting the boot on Yuma walked into the room, a smirk resting on his face.

"My, my Young Mistress," he said looking at her frustrated face which quickly turned into irritation seeing the amusement in his eyes. "I'm surprised you made it this far."

With that boots were sent flying towards his face, one managing to hit him in the jaw. "Bastard," Y/n remarked as Yuma leaned down and picked up the boots, satisfied that she had managed to hit him. Although he didn't seem to be affected by getting hit square in the jaw.

"Such foul language," Yuma said as he strode over the young lady after retrieving her boots. He kneels down to the floor and started to put them on her feet. "It doesn't match that pretty face of yours."

Y/n rolled her eyes and stood once he was done, walking over to her dresser. She sat down in front of the mirror and stared at Yuma, watching as he gently worked the brush through her hair.

A comfortable silence fell over them until Y/n broke it with a question.

"Did my mother enjoy horse back riding as much as I do?"

Yuma looked up only to see that his Mistress was avoiding eye contact. His eyes softend and he smiled.

"She did," he said, eyes glazing over as he looked back on the past. "Much more than you do now."

A young lady, perhaps in her late twenties, stood out in a beautiful feild, fulled with all sorts of wild flowers. She smiled as she overlooked the scenery, two horses resting beside her.

"This is such a lovely view, isn't it Yuma?" Yuma stood behind his current Mistress. "Quite." He answered. She looked up at him with glittering emerald green orbs, the grey specks impossible not to notice.

A gentle breeze picked up, causing her unbound hair to whip arcoss her face and her dress to flutter in the wind. The sun beamed down on the two. "Its a perfect day to practice, wouldn't you agree?"

Yuma smirked at her question. "Of course, shall we get started then?" Avery nodded her head, a smirk of her own adorning her face.

She closed her eyes and slowly lifted her hands, palms up. And when she opened her eyes again, they were no longer the twinkling emerald,

but a deep grey.

Y/n smiled as she heard those words, happy that her mother had shared the same interests that she has. Yuma braided her hair and placed it on her shoulder.

"Now then," he said as she stood from her seat. "Shall we go?"

"We shall."

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