Chapter Eleven

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The carriage ride had been oddly peaceful. Not peaceful as in there was slim to no talking. On the contrary, it was quite the opposite.

Alois had not simmered down at all since he set foot in the carriage, keeping up the same amount of energy he had all throughout the date. He would not stop talking about how beautiful her true smile is. Which, in all honesty, bewildered her.

"Wait," Y/n said, stopping Alois' rant on how she should smile more often, finally processing words that had been said minutes ago. "My true smile?"

Alois looked at her as if she was a mad man, then scowled, his mood doing a complete three-sixty.

"Of course your true smile," he scoffed. "Do I look like a complete imbecile to you? I can tell when there is no joy to a smile, when it is being forced." Alois' eyes darken, a glaze look covering them. "I've seen them too many times before."

Y/n stared at him, wide eyed. Where had that come from? This was the first time anyone had noticed and pointed out her false smiles. Hell, her father never even seemed to realise that his own daughter faked her joy.

Y/n looked down to her lap, hands clutching at the fabrics of her skirt.

The carriage stopped but the two nobles didn't move from their seats, even after Yuma had opened the door for them.

"I'm sorry."

Alois' head snapped in her direction. "Huh?"

Y/n didn't move her gaze away from her lap. She took a deep breath and looked up at him, wearing her cold front. The only protection she could offer herself.

"I'm sorry that me faking my smiles has bothered you, but if it makes you feel any better," she paused, flashing him a tiny, real, smile. "Its not that hard when I'm with you."

With that being said she got out of the carriage, taking Yuma's hand that had been immediately offered to her.

Alois' face immediately brightened, hopping down and out of the carriage. He quickly took her hand and pulled her towards the entrance of the estate. "Well," Alois said, a sly smirk appearing on his face. "I do my best."

Y/n rolled her eyes, shaking her head at the blond's antiques. She should have just kept her mouth shut.

"Be quiet and show me the present you were so excited to give me."

Alois grinned. He quickly led her down different corridors, Yuma and Cluade following behind their respective masters. A soft glow came from the candles that were lit.

After not even a minute of walking Alois stopped at large double doors. He gripped the handle, flashing her another grin.

"This is my room," He told her, opening the door and baring the room to her watchful gaze. Y/n stepped into the room. She looked around, taking in every detail of the room. From the little things like the small spider on the wall up to the large things such as his king size bed.

Wait. Spider? Y/n looked closer and realized that there was, in fact, a spider on the wall. She focused her attention back to Alois. "What is that?" She promoted, wondering why Alois didn't seem to care or take notice of the little creature.

Alois looked to where she was gesturing and feigned a nervous look. "My cat."

Y/n gave him a dubious look. "Cats don't have eight legs  and walk on walls."

Alois laughed at the look she gave him, walking over to the spider. A giant house spider, female if the size didn't give it away. He held out his hand and the creature scurried on to his hand. Turning back to Y/n, spider now on his hand, he walked a few steps forward so he was standing directly in front of her.

"No, it's not a cat. I just wanted to see how you would react," He grinned at her. "This, my dear, is a spider species called the Giant House Spider."

Y/n eyed the spider warily, not at all afraid but not exactly comfortable either. "Yes, I can see that. I was more so questioning why it was there. Most people don't like pests," she glanced up at him. "Especially eight legged ones."

Alois shrugged and held his hand out in Claudes direction. "Claude, go put this thing in the garden."

Claude walked forward and bowed, his hand crossing over his chest where most people's hearts would be. "Yes, My Higness." With that Cluade took the spider and exited the room.

Y/n brought her attention back to his bed that had five purple boxes, ranging in different sizes. She walked towards it and ran her hand over the smooth box, marveling at the puple designs the box had.

Alois walked over and sat on the bed, the boxes moving a bit with the force he sat down.

"Well?" Alois questioned while watching her, a amused smile on his face. "Open them."

Y/n looked up. "These are for me?"

"I thought that was obvious. Start with the biggest box!" Alois exclaimed childishly.

Y/n open up the lid to the biggest box. Her eyes widened a bit at what she saw. She looked up to Alois, who was still grinning, then back down, trying not to show how shocked she was.

Sure she had gotten presents before, lots of them in fact. But these felt different. Everything felt different when it came from him. And although she tried to deny it, she was, undoubtedly, slowly falling in love with the Earl.

She pulled out a long white dress that was made of the purest silk, lace covering the sides but left and triangle gap in the middle. Right where they meet was a lace pin, a red gem in the middle.

She laid it out on the bed, growing more eager to see what else Alois had gotten her.

Grabbing the box she repeated the process and opened it. When she was finished opening the boxes she had a whole outfit laid before her.

Completed with heels covered in the same lace that decorated her dress. A mask that was also made out of the same lace. A beautiful fan with golden lining and a gorgeous hair pin.

Y/n looked up to Alois who was already staring at her, something glimmering in his eyes.

"I hadn't really seen you in light colors and you are always wearing darker colors so it made me curious. I got the mask with it because I was hoping you would wear it to my masquerade ball?"

There was such joy in his expression, his voice. He had really thought this out, huh? The only person who ever gave any thought on what she would wear wad Yuma.

"Its a lovely gift, thank you Alois."

He grinned when she said his name. Alois got off the bed and stepped forward so they were toe to toe.

"Why, that was hardly a proper thank you."

Y/n raised a brow. "Really? Then what do you suppose is a proper thank you?"

Alois grinned and leaned down.

"I could think of a couple things....."

(Edit; Sorry I forgot to put the picture of the outfit Alois got the reader

My bad 😅)

I Need You; Alois Trancy x ReaderΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα