Chapter Twenty

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Y/n sat on the grass, enjoying the cool rain drops that was landing on her skin. The sky was darkened, the grey clouds covering the atmosphere like a big blanket.

Not wanting to ruin any of her dresses, she wore her nightgown instead, something her father wouldn't approve of. But in all honesty, she couldn't care less about what he thought.

Her father was to return today so Yuma was making sure the manor was in the exact condition Emmit had left it in, leaving Y/n with no choice but to entertain herself.

Looking up at the sky Y/n reached a hand out, wishing that she could just leave this place and never have to see her father again.

There was no hint of thunder or lightning, but Y/n couldn't help but wonder if Alois was okay. Did he only get scared with thunderstorms or does the rain freak him out to?

Y/n cast her gaze to the ground.

Why was she even thinking about him? It hasn't even been a week since she last saw him, and she was a bit embarrassed to admit that they wrote to each other daily.

Along with one of the letters Alois had even sent a box of chocolates. Yuma had teased her for hours after, claiming that she should just marry him now and that he doesn't want to see her reaction to other gifts Alois is going to give her if she gets this happy over some chocolates.

"Y/n what are you doing outside? Get in, now."

Y/n ignored her father's words, not even turning to look at him.

"How is business going?"

"It was fine. We had a few problems with a couple of clients, but it was nothing I couldn't handle." The way he said that made Y/n feel nervous.

She hasn't learned all there was to her father's business and, quite frankly, she didn't really want to. She always felt jittery when her father was teaching her about his business, as if there was something going on underneath all the layers of professionalism.

What had always assured her when she thought of things like this was that he had married her mother, and she knew for a fact her mother wouldn't be with him if was an actual bad person.

"Now get inside before you catch something."

Y/n sighed, standing up from her spot on the grass. When she made it to the patio Yuma handed her a towel.

"I'll prepare a warm bath for you, Mistress." Yuma said, bowing before taking his leave.

Emmit reached out and moved some wet strands of hair out of his daughters face. She looked up at him, face void of any expression.

Emmit kissed the top of her head.

"Tell me what happened while I was gone." Emmit said, beginning to walk away. Y/n quickly followed.

"Nothing much, I mostly stayed in the Manor. I was invited to the ball and decided to go since I didn't want to ruin our family name."

Y/n said, telling him exactly what she knew he wanted to hear. Emmit nodded.

"Speaking of which, do you plan on taking up the title as Mistress of the Estate or are you going to marry?"

Y/n scowled. "You said I had until my birthday."

Emmit stopped, opening her bedroom door. "I did, but just because I gave you that long doesn't mean you can spend your time dilly dallying until the day of! I'm getting impatient with this childish behavior Y/n. Pick a husband or start learning about our business."

"Well sorry I don't want to rush into things! Stuff like this takes time, I don't want to marry a man that I don't love and I'm bloody sure I dont want to be stuck with him for the rest of my life either!"

Y/n stormed into her room, slamming the door in her father's face. She leaned against the wall breathing heavily, tears streaming down her face.

Yuma walked out of her bathroom, a frown present on his face. He walked over to the young maiden, scooping her up into his arms before going back into the bathroom.

He set her down, undressing her before leaving the bathroom once more.

Y/n sighed and crawled into the tub, relaxing into the bubbly hot water. She wiped at her eyes, making them even more raw then they already are.

This is how arguing with her father usually went down. When it came down to yelling she always ended up crying. Whether or not it was her yelling, somebody else or both. She could take on a lot of things with a straight face, just not the yelling.

Yuma walked back in, an envelope in his hand.

"I didn't want to tell you since your father was around but you have received another letter from the Trancy manor."

Y/n nodded, feeling her mood rise a bit.

"Could you read it aloud for me?"

"Of course, Mistress." Yuma opened up the envelope, pulling out the paper.

"My dearest, Y/n

The manor has been so dull and empty since you have left.
Today I attempted to bake a cake because of how bored I was and it ended terribly. Claude was soooo mad! You should've seen the look on his face, he looked as if he was about to explode!
Do you know how to cook? If so I would love to taste something that you have made. I'll even help you make it, I'll be the taste tester.
Your letters never fail to brighten up my day when I read them. I wish you were here with me but I suppose I can make due with the letters. For now, at least.
Perhaps we should go on another date soon?
I will eagerly await your next letter.

With all my love, Alois"

A small smile was on Y/n's face as she listened to Yuma read the letter. She shook her head, holding back a laugh.

"Alois probably destroyed his kitchen."

Yuma set the paper down on the counter, a smirk pulling at his lips.

"Most likely. Now let's hurry and finish your bath so you can write lover boy back."

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