Chapter Sixteen

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That morning, when Y/n awoke, she saw a dress laid out on a chair along with a note. She tiredly got up and went over to the chair, gingerly picking up the paper, and read what had been written.

Good morning my Dear, I hope you slept well after waking up at such a untimely hour.
I had Claude get you a dress to wear for today, I hope everything is to your liking.
I'll be in my study doing some paperwork that I've been putting off if you need me. Just ask one of the servants if you need help locating my study.

After placing the paper down, she turned to inspect the dress she had been given. A dress that made her remember what Alois had told her just yesterday. She scoffed.

"So much for having Claude get my own dresses from my estate."

A knock sounded at the door, followed by the creaking of it being opened. "Good morning Mistress," Yuma greeted with a charming smile.

Y/n looked over to her butler. "Morning Yuma."

Yuma walked over to his Mistress, glancing at the dress that still sat on the chair.

"That is not one of your dresses."

"No, really?" Y/n questioned, voice dripping with sarcasm, before continuing on, "Apparently Alois wanted to spoil me even more than he already has and decided the best way in doing so was getting me a new dress to wear for the day."

Yuma smirked. "Ahh, to be young again."

Y/n scowled. "Wipe that smug look off your face and help me into the dress."

Yuma laughed at her demands but nevertheless obeyed, helping the young maiden into the dress.

"Would it be weird of I left my hair down for today?" Y/n asked, looking into the mirror that was in the room.

"I don't see why not. The young Lord did tell you to get used to his estate as it will eventually be yours as well. Getting used to something involves getting comfortable. Also," his smirk was back full swing, "I think the Lord will be absolutely enraptured seeing your down and loose for the first time."

Y/n nodded thoughtfully, ignoring the smirk on her butlers face that made her want to slap him. Nodding as she finalised her decision, she picked up a brush and worked it through her hair, getting all the tangles out.

"What are you looking at?" Y/n snapped, already annoyed with her butler. That annoyance that quickly vanished when she noticed the worried look in his eye.

"Are you alright after last night? Any more dreams?"

Y/n's face softened. "I'm fine Yuma, after I visited you and went back to my room I had a peaceful slumber."

Yuma smiled, looking relieved.

Another knock sounded at the door.
Y/n wondered at who it was as Yuma strided over, opening the door to greet them. 

"Miss Hannah?" Yuma questioned, raising an eyebrow as he gazed down at the lavender haired maid.

She avoided his eyes, holding out the trey that she was carrying. His gaze lowered to what was on the trey. Breakfast. He looked back up to her.

"His Highness ordered me to bring the Mistress her breakfast." She said softly, seemingly trying to justify herself.

"Of course," Yuma smiled, taking a step back and opening the door wider so the maid could enter.

She quickly did so, making her way over to the (h/c) haired maiden. She set the trey down gently on the beside table. Y/n looked at the food.

"Thank you, Hannah."

Hannah smiled. "My pleasure, Mistress."

She made for the door once more but Y/n's words stopped her.

"Would you mind staying while I eat? I'd like to find Alois once I'm finished but I hadn't a clue where his study is located."

Hannah turned and bowed her head. "Of course, Mistress."

Y/n sat down and indulged herself in the food that had been served. Like dinner, the food was delicious and well made.

"Miss Hannah," the lavender haired women looked to the handsome burgundy eyed butler, "How are you fairing this fine morning?"

His smile was charming. Hannah gave the butler a small smile.

"I am doing swell, thank you for asking. Are you well?" Hannah asked, keeping the conversation going. Yuma's smile turned into a roguish grin.

"I'm wonderful, I always enjoy myself around the young Mistress," his gaze slid over to her, "so fun to tease."

Yuma stepped aside, dodging the pillow that had been sent flying towards his face. A small gasp escaped Hannahs lips, her gaze flickering to the young maiden who sat on the bed that was missing a pillow, looking a bit too innocent as she ate.

Yuma chuckled. "Pardon me, Mistress, I wasn't aware you were listening in on our conversation."

Y/n looked up at him, a scowl on her lips. "You knew very well I was listening, stop acting as if you didn't."

Yuma bent down, picking up the pillow and walked over to the bed. He fluffed it and placed the pillow back in its correct spot, his grin never leaving his face.

Y/n stood from her spot on the bed and made her way to the door. Hannah quickly followed after her, taking up the lead so she could show the young maiden to Alois' study.

"You seem very close with your butler," Hannah murmered quietly.
Y/n nodded once.

"Yes, well, Yuma basically raised me, so he often acts as if we have a family relationship and not the Mistress and servant one."

Hannah nodded her head in understanding. "It is quite refreshing seeing you two interact with each other."

Y/n's brow rose, staring at the maid. Hannah averted her gaze.

"I meant not to offend you, Mistress. I was only implying that it is a nice change from the standard relations between butler and master."

Y/n hummed. She hadn't really taken offense to her statement, she was just trying to confirm some suspensions.

Hannah tended to be a bit nervous around her.

Y/n came to a stop behind Hannah, who had stopped at a door. She quickly bowed, announcing that they had made it to Alois' study, and walked away.

Hey guys, sorry it took so long to update once again. I was at a bit of a standstill trying to figure out what should happen next. Thanks for reading!


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