Chapter Twenty Six

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"My Lord," Ciel looked up from the paper's scattered about his desk a tired frown on his lips.

"What is it Sebastian?"

Sebastian placed the papers he held on to his master's desk. Ciel picked them up, looking them over as Sebastian informed him on what he had found.

"Another murder has been confirmed. This information suggests that it was the same person responsible for the others."

"What of Y/n Carter and her butler?" Ciel asked, putting the files back on his desk.

"Y/n Carter is the only daughter of Emmit and Avery Carter. She's known for turning down all of her suitors. Her butler is named Yuma Jinx. He served Miss Carter's mother before she was born." Sebastian informed, pouring Ciel another cup of tea.

"Do they have a contract with each other?" Ciel questioned, taking the cup from his butler.

"No my Lord. In fact, her butler isn't a demon."

Ciel frowned. "That doesn't make any sense at all. You're not telling me something."

"Now why would I leave out any information?" Sebastian asked, a smirk on his lips.

Ciel moved his eye patch so that he could make direct eye contact with his butler.

"Sebastian this is an order, tell me whatever it is you're hiding from me about this case."

Sebastian lowered his head, arm crossing over his chest.

"Yuma Jinx is apart of the demon race known as familiars. Even though he serves Y/n Carter, they do not have a formal connection."

Ciel leaned back in his seat, adjusting his eye patch.

"Now why would you think to hide this information from me?"

"I wanted to investigate it a bit more before I told you, my apologies sir."

Ciel waved his apologies off, looking back down at his desk.

"So Miss Carter has a demon at her side. That answers one of my questions from the ball. But that also brings up the question do they have a contract? There wasn't a visible one that I could see..."

Ciel hummed in thought.

"That doesn't explain why her eyes change colors though.." He looked up at his butler, raising an eyebrow.

"I wasn't able to find anything on the Mistress in question. It seems her father keeps her very well hidden."

"Suspicious. Start looking more into Emmit Carter. He may just be using his daughter to drag our attention away from him."

"Yes, my Lord."

"Alois, let go of me." Alois grinned, refusing to loosen his grip on the unsuspecting maiden.

She was visiting his Estate for the day, keeping him company while he finished up some paperwork.

When he had finished, he crept up behind an unsuspecting Y/n, only to hug her tightly from behind.

"You wore your hair down for me," Alois said, ignoring her statement and snuggled into the crook of her neck.

"I kept my hair down for myself." Y/n protested, ceasing her struggles to get out of his grip.

"Say what you want," Alois purred, "but I know you did it for me."

Y/n looked back at his icy blue eyes. Eyes that were sparkling with affection and mischief.

"If I agree with you, will you let me go?"

Alois grinned. "Yes, but you have to actually say it."

Y/n sighed. "I wore my hair down knowing that you would like it."

Alois released her, throwing his hands up into the air.

"Victoryyyyy!!" He cheered. Y/n shook her head at his childish antics, turning around fully to face the Earl.

"I'm assuming you are finished?"

"Correct! Now let's go do something fun, I'm tired of being cooped up in here." Alois said, taking Y/n's hands and guiding her out of his office.

"I know!" Alois turned his head around to look at Y/n. "How about a bath?"

"Ow!" Alois looked at the (blond, brunette, ect) who had just hit him upside the head. She stared at him, a spark of promise for more pain if he even hinted at something like that ever again in her eyes.

"Okay I get it. We're not there yet." Alois winked, flinching when Y/n raised her hand to hit him.

"I'll leave if this continues." She threatened.

"No, I'll stop! Don't leave!" Alois exclaimed, tightening his grip on her hand in case she did try to leave. Y/n rolled her eyes as they continued to walk down the halls.

Yuma turned a corner, quickly following behind the two nobles.

"You sure do make a habit of appearing out of no where." Alois commented once he realised the butler was behind them.

Yuma smiled at the blond Earl.

Alois eyed him, finding it very suspicious that he can appear out of no where in a similar fashion as his own butler.

Looking back at the woman walking next to him, he searched for any sign of a contract.

"Lets take a stroll through the garden." Y/n suggested. Alois eyes snapped up to meet hers.

"If that is what you want." Alois smiled at her, leading her to the garden.

Y/n glanced around, admiring the beautiful flowers and herbs that were in the garden. Meanwhile, Alois admired her.

He doesn't know why Y/n enjoys his garden so much, but he loves seeing her do or look at something she is interested in.

Soon he'll have her looking at him the way he looks at her. Her eyes will be filled with love and affection everytime they land on him.

She captured his heart the first time they met. It was only fair he gave her the same treatment. Alois smirked.

Almost there...

What is up guys! I finally got some inspiration for this chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed reading. I have some more info out so lemme hear them theories! As always comment and vote and I'll see you in the next chapter.


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