Chapter Forty Six

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Commence the best birthday ball Alois has ever had!

"Everyone! I'd like to officially announce Y/n as my fiancee!"

Whispers rippled throughout the crowd, men disappointed that they no longer had any chance to woo you and women excited that a man will finally look their way.

People walked up and congratulated the couple, Alois' arm staying wrapped around Y/n throughout the exchangements. It felt comforting. Alois grinned and leaned down, kissing the top of her head affectionately. He was so happy, nothing could ruin this moment for him.

"Congratulations Trancy, I'm surprised you convinced her to marry someone like you. Cleary Lady Carter could do much better." Except for a certain blue haired, eye patch wearing Earl. Alois' grin filled with malice in an instant.

"Thank you Phantomhive. Though I wasn't expecting you to show, I thought you would much prefer brooding in your manor."

"Nonsense I couldn't miss such an important event. Nineteen, hmm? So old."

"You're only a year younger then me!" Alois shouted with faux happiness. "Although I wouldn't be surprised if you were found dead before you turned my age."

Y/n sighed as the two went back and forth, grateful the handsome Earl was to busy fighting with her fiance to pay much attention to her.

"Found dead? I think we both know that won't happen."

"I think I could have something arranged." Alois basically purred, his eyes flashing with ill intent. Ciel caught the look but only smirked back at him.

"What? Going to have our butlers duel while you try to kill me again? I was hoping you got more creative with age."

Y/n's eyes widened at Ciels words. She glanced at the two males, having been looking at the other party goers. She looked for any signs to tell her that the bluenette was lying and foumd none. Had Alois really tried to kill him?

"Want to see how creative I've become?"

"If that's an invite I will gladly take you up on your offer."

"Alright that's enough." Y/n interrupted, sighing heavily. She didn't want this argument to turn into an actual fight. She sensed it was quickly heading in that direction.

Alois huffed and looked away. In all honesty he had forgot you that you were right next to him, listening to every word that was said. He'd probably have some explaining to do later.

Ciel transferred his gaze to the small maiden that was being hugged into Alois' side. He offered her a polite smile.

"I'd say congratulations but I believe good luck is more fitting in this situation."

Y/n rose a brow at his words, not impressed in the slightest bit. She gave Yuma a look that he immediately understood.

Go get me a drink, this is going to be a long night.

As you wish, Mistress.

With that Y/n turned her attention back on the Earl.

"Oh? And why is that?"

Yuma walked away from the trio, leaving his Mistress in the capable hands of Claude and Alois. Sebastian quietly slipped away from his master and followed after him.

Yuma sighed, immediately sensing the presence of the demon butler.

"It's about time your mistress settled down, I was worried she was never going to marry."

"What MY Mistress does is none of your concern, demon." Yuma snapped, feeling a migraine coming on.

"No need to be so defensive Yuma," Sebastian smirked at him. "Is it wrong for me to show concern for my friends Mistress?"

"Your fake concern is not wanted or needed. And we are not friends. You could find me crawling through the pits of hell before I ever consider being acquainted with you."

"Visiting my home town, how considerate. Hoping you'll learn more about me?"

"I know plenty," Yuma glared at the smirking demon, grabbing a wine glass for his Mistress. It was amazing how quick Sebastian managed to piss him off.

Sebastian hummed and followed Yuma as he madr his way back towards the trio.

"How is Lady Y/n coming along? Her birthday is close, does she know what she ia yet? Maybe I could help her with-"

Yuma turned and faced Sebastian, eyes flaring a deep grey.

"Do not speak my Mistress name with your unclean tongue. You will not help her with anything and you will keep your mouth shut around her. None of this concerns you."

With that Yuma marched off. A smile creeped up on to his face at the sight that greeted him.

"As your so cute! I'm so happy for you N/n!! And your dress! It's absolutely beautiful!" Elizabeth squealed, grasping Y/n in a tight hug. She laid limp in her arms, as if she gave up escaping her grasp long ago. Alois stood beside the two girls, chuckling at the sight.

"Who picks out your dresses?! You always look so marvellous every time I see you!"

"Yuma normally picks my dresses but Alois chose the one I'm wearing." Y/n mumbled, seemingly done with everything. Elizabeth looked over at the male blond.

"You have such wonderful taste Alois!"

"Thank you! I knew this dress would suit her perfectly the moment I laid my eyes upon it!"

Yuma slid in next to his Mistress, handing her the glass of wine which she accepted gratefully. She glanced at him as she took a sip.

You look like you've having as much as a horrible time as I am.

I hate that Earls butler, so annoying.

Y/n cracked a smile. It was hard to rile up her butler but she always found amusement in his displeasure.

Aw, is my Yuma pouting?

Yuma glared at her. Careful, the next dress I pick may be the most uncomfortable one yet. Or maybe I'll tighten your corset to some ungodly tight level.

Y/n returned his glare from over her glass. You wouldn't dare.

Yuma just smirked in return. Y/n was snapped out of their little conversation when Alois slipped his arm back around her waist.

She looked up at the blond Lord who was still happily talking to Elizabeth about how cute you were. Y/n smiled softly and took another sip of her wine.

Y/n leandd into his side, feeling happy and content. She looked forward to spending the rest of her life with this man.

Sorry if this wasn't what you expected for this chapter. Hope you still liked it though. Comment, vote and I'll see you in the next update!


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