Chapter Seventy Three

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Y/n stood in front of a mirror, fidgeting with her dress as she gazed at her done up face and hair.

"Would you stop that?" Yuma grunted, fixing the spot she had ruined, again.

Y/n moved her gaze and met the eyes of her butler through the mirror.

Yuma smiled reassuringly, immediately noticing the single grey eye.

"You look beautiful mistress, and Alois is extremely happy. So there is no reason to be nervous."

"But what if he decides he no longer want to marry a witch-"

"Enchantress," Yuma interrupted with a coy smile, aware of the blonds new favorite nickname for his mistress, "and I'm sure he's thinking the exact same thing right now."

Y/n smiled, knowing he was right. Alois was probably panicking more than she was.

"I told you she would be crying! My lovely sister, you owe me twenty," A smooth, slightly obnoxious voice announced loudly.

Y/n frowned, immediately recognizing the voice belonged to Blaze.

She looked up, seeing the large tent that had been set up for her open up, five figures of varying heights entering.

The wedding was taking place out in the forest, so getting ready in the mansion would be too much trouble than its worth, hence why she was getting ready in an extremely large tent.

It was almost like a war tent.

She assumed since Alois had a demon butler anything was possible.

"She isn't crying," a smooth, enchanting voice cooed. A woman smiled at Y/n, her long expresso hair done up for the event.

"Congratulations cousin, you look beautiful."

"Nyx," Y/n gasped, taking a step towards her older cousin, "I'm so happy you guys actually came.."

The woman, Nyx, smiled softly.

"Of course we came! I don't know about them but I personally came to cry over the loss of a certain hot blond bachelor." Blaze sighed dramatically, a smirk resting on his face.

"Shut up," Y/n snapped, a good natured smile on her face.

She barely saw her cousins after her mother's death because her father never liked her aunt.

At first they had visited often but over the years it slowly came to a stop.

Y/n couldn't help but feel relieved they accepted the invitation.

"Where's aunt Isis?" Y/n questioned, once again fiddling with her dress. Yuma smacked her hand away, continuing with his touch ups.

It was Piper, to her surprise, who spoke up.

"She's sitting with father."

There was a pause in the conversation, the gazes of all her cousins fixed on her. Y/n bit her lip, feeling nervous all of the sudden.

"Well?" Piper snapped, seeming to be impatient about something.

"Piper," Nyx cut the white haired maiden a sharp look, one that immediately put the younger sister in place.

The twins stepped forward, both holding their hands out. Y/n tilted her head to the side, confused.

"Sisters," Blaze said smoothly, "we have to remember Y/n doesn't know our traditions. Our beloved aunt was never there to teach her."

"Traditions?" Y/n hummed, her gaze trailing to favorite cousin.

Blaze grinned.

"Traditions," he cut a glance at the thirteen year olds, both twins still patiently holding out their hands, "take their hands."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2022 ⏰

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