Chapter Nineteen

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Y/n sighed, watching all the guests mingle and talk. She had told Alois that she needed a break and he had nodded. Although he did look a bit sad that she wasn't going to be beside him any longer.

Right now she was lingering by the walls, champagne glass in one hand and her fan in the other. She took a sip, eyes gliding over all the mask covered faces.

"And here I was thought to be the only wall flower."

Y/n looked over to see a male standing next to her, his distinct shade of blue hair giving away who he was immediately.

"Earl Phantomhive," Y/n said as a way of greeting, turning to face the older male.

"I'm surprised that you're not with Trancy." Ciel said, glancing around. "Or any other guy for that matter."

Y/n scowled. The hell was that supposed to mean?

"I'm taking a breather, I'm not usually one for crowds."

Ciel nodded in understanding. "Did your father accompany you this evening?"

"No. He is away on business."

Ciel nodded once more.

"Well, since we're here," Ciel held out his hand, "May I have this dance?"

Y/n eyed him before taking his hand. He led her away from the wall, gently grabbing her waist and pulling her close to him. They swayed to the music, getting swept away into the crowd of dancers.

"Why didn't you ask Elizabeth to dance? I'm sure she would have loved to."

Ciel stared down at the beautiful young maiden in his arms, a slow smirk tugging at his lips.

"I didn't want to dance with Elizabeth, hence why I am here with you. Also," Ciel leaned down to whisper in her ear, as if sharing a secret. "I find it amusing to see Alois riled up."

Just then she saw Alois in the corner of her eye. His eyes were cold, staring directly at them, his mask making him look anonymous. Claude was at his side.

Y/n looked back up to Ciel. "You will not lump me into whatever childish rivalry you two have going on."

"Oh but my dear," Ciel said, twirling
Y/n, then holding her in place with her back against his chest. He whispered in her ear, "You already are."

Y/n stomped on his foot and he quickly let go of her. She glared at him, ignoring the barely noticeable look of surprise on his face.

"Yuma," her butler was at her side immediately, eyes hard as he stared at the Earl. "We're leaving."

She turned and walked away from the Lord, anger evident in her eyes. Alois stared at her as she left the room. When she was no longer in sight he turned his gaze on Ciel, eyes hard and unforgiving.

Ciel only smirked, turning to Sebastian who stood behind him.

"Did you see her eyes? They turned grey," Ciel started walking away, Sebastian following after him like the obedient butler he was.

"And her butler, Yuma, he appeared out of nowhere just at the call of his name. This could be the break that we needed to solve the case. Figure out who she is, Sebastian, and that butler of hers to."

"Yes, My Lord."

Y/n sat on her bed, watching Yuma as he took off her heals, massaging the soles of her feet, her mask discarded on the bed next to her.

This is why she wasn't interested in marrying.

How dare he try to use her just to get at Alois? She was not some pawn to be used in a game she didn't even want to play.

Thats not even what had pissed her off the most. It was the fact that he hadn't just tried, he succeeded.

He danced with her to get at Alois just because of some childish rivarly.

"Mistress," She snapped out of her train of thoughts when she heard Yuma's voice.

"You must calm down, you're going to end up destroying something."

Y/n looked confused by his words. Destroy something? She wasn't that mad, even if she was she would never just down right trash a room.

That was when she noticed a cut on Yuma's cheekbone, right under his eye.

"What happened?" Y/n asked, staring at the cut. Yuma just smiled.

"Please calm down Mistress." He said once more.

Once she nodded Yuma stood.

He didn't want to scare her, but he had needed her to calm down. She hadn't noticed but her little inner rampage had killed the flowers that were an the bedside table and had almost shattered the vase containing the flower. The cut had also been her doing as well.

Just another sign that she was close to awaking, that and the fact that her eyes had changed colors.

Y/n breathed in and out slowly, calming her inner fury.

A knock sounded at the door. Yuma looked to his Mistress, who was staring at the door.

"If it is anyone but Alois tell them to go away."

Yuma nodded and walked over to the door. He opened it, smirking when he saw the blond Earl.

"Lord Alois," Yuma opened the door wider and Alois quickly rushed in, kneeling in front of Y/n so they were at more of a equal height.

"I'm sorry. Ciel is a bastard and we've had a rivalry since we were young and I did not think he would attempt to use you to get to me. Please don't let him ruin what you think of me. Please don't leave me because of him."

Tears were streaming down Alois' face when he had stopped talking. Was he really that upset?

It was true she wasn't interested in marrying, but Alois makes her reconsider. He was so different from all the others who had attempted to be with her. Most of them wanted her for her title, money, and body. Yet Alois seemed as if he just wanted her, and that all the other stuff was just extra.

Y/n reached up and ran her fingers through his hair, taking off his mask. She stared into his watery icy blue eyes, he hand coming to a rest on his cheek.

"I forgive you, just do not let him use me again."

Alois smiled, turning his head to kiss her palm. "Of course, I won't let him near you ever again."

Ohohoho, what in the world could Ciel be talking about? I'd love to hear some theories if any of you have any. Anyways, thanks for reading, and don't forget to comment and vote!


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